116,408 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Remove some logging
Suit item setup, moved current suit assets into standard folder
Use instruments dlc check for unlock (temp, for testing)
Implement switching to instanced rendering only when an entity leaves network range
Also support using instanced rendering the whole time but switching from highest -> lowest LOD when entity leaves network range
Merge PhysicsLayerRevamp -> Aux2
Viewmodel renderer update
PFX scene backup (River source FX)
Removed directional light from player_preview, replaced with two spot lights. Fix for player preview light affecting the scene. Also removed unused var.
resized textures for light fitting
Added a flourescent light to be placed on the wall mounted weapon racks
lods/textures etc
Fixed WaterOverlay.Update doing its underwater test 1 unit below the actual camera position, breaking the moonpool water transition
Fixed water visibility mask not masking out ocean
Fixed moonpool water body type & water visibility mask
Fixed deferred decal lighting
diver ak - initial viewmodel renderer material setup, moved drip fx to ak folder
diver hatchet - item update, sounds set up & screen fx
Merge from /main/ferry_terminal
Free paintable texture when the paintable object is destroyed instead of letting Unity do it later
Fix painted texture disappearing way too close on the female variant of the egg suit
diver ak
- renamed files and prefabs
- organised files to be all in one folder
- item name updated
- worldmodel prefab setup
- got sounds working
Fixed reflection probe in edit mode; now stable and follows scene camera or main camera depending on viewport focus
NRE fix when no terrain exists
exported edited divers torch admire anim
updated diver assault rifle cinematic material with correct textures
Fixed river water level being ignored by almost everything
Fixed water mesh not culling inside caves
New tugboat deck material
decals detail pass
some terrain gaps fixes
Integrated the spotlight in front of the building into the pavement
Lighting prefab updated
Adding the new cobalt posters
merge from PhysicsLayerRevamp
Merge from media_projects/ferryterminal_media
Water hits are now handled right in GamePhysics.Trace / TraceAll since the previous way of doing it did not correctly sort water hits and physics hits (could return water hit even though physics hit was in front of it)
Fixed drinking dialog weirdness
Fixed AddToWater only adding 1/4 of the ocean to the water map
Added normal to WaterSystem.Trace (currently always returns Vector3.up)
Fixed a whole lot of not-editor-only stuff that needed to be editor-only
weaponrack_tall deploy/socket tweaks
Put #if EDITOR around SimpleBonesRightClick, same as the main SimpleBones class has (who is writing these plugins?)