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Ammo count and type of ammo is now visible in the tooltips of vending machines
Trike DoPrepare + manifest
Combine PedalTrike LODGroups
Combine PedalBike LODGroups
Raise water detection level on the push bike
Fixed WaterDepthMask not deregistering the mask when a boat is placed in a scene before the game starts (only relevant to dev work)
Fixed pedal bike right pedal rotation
Also make sure the renderer is disabled on startup
Instead of leaving largest collider null, remove from the static list
Fix icelake showing a 1m red sphere in middle
- caused by no buillding blocked for the "monument" so it defaults to 1m instead of being disabled
Show "Can't place on monument" when trying to place barricades onto concrete inside monument instead of `Failed Check: Sphere Test ( "assets/blah/blah/blah" )`
- work with detailed error mode
Merge main -> fix_barricade_building_error
Fix invoke NRE caused when trying to fix a different InvokeHandler NRE
Fix barricades showing the long debug error of "Not In Terrain" to normal players
- switch from admin check to convar`detailed_building_errors` to turn on debug building error messages
merge from fix_invoke_profling_nre
merge from horse_state_transition_fixes
merge from samsite_togglemode
merge from attachments_translation
merge from fix_ladders_monuments
merge from fix_barricade_show_building_blocked
merge from fix_mixing_table_console_spam
Fix console spam from mixing table loot panel
Prevent barricades, seeds & ladders from showing the building blocked outline around monuments
Fix ladders being placeable inside monuments
player update. eoka 3p shoot anim updated.
pedal bike and trike gibs
radtown sign change and converted lod to rendererlod
player update. ak47 3p and gun anims updated. Holster position updated too
Removed base layers from fur setup
merged main into wire_slacking
Fixed the new 'Invert Mode' input draining batteries
player update. m249 3p and gun anims updated. Holster position updated too
Merge from nexus/fix_tick_parent_id
Items can now be flagged to block map use.
Prisoner hood blocks map use.
Handcuffs block gestures.
player update. military flame thrower 3p anims update
Fixed missing translation for the 'attachments' text in tooltip