257,433 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!

10 Months Ago
Double size of mixing table recipe list from 4 -> 8 recipes shown at once
10 Months Ago
Merge from main
10 Months Ago
Remove one more doNonUserSpawn, fix compile
10 Months Ago
Merge from main
10 Months Ago
Initial cinematic rig setup/mats
10 Months Ago
Remove no-longer-used 'non-user-spawn' modular car engine code
10 Months Ago
Example arctic hazmat setup (will need to be fixed before merging to main)
10 Months Ago
Better way to recognize the underlying skin renderer Update skin parameters when clothing changes so that skin colour is applied to any skin renderers that are part of the clothing viewmodel addition Revert shader shanges (they're in the history if we ever revisit the idea)
10 Months Ago
New Outfit Piece - Fingerless Gloves https://files.facepunch.com/daniel/1b2211b1/Screenshot%202024-05-22%20221155.png LODs coming asap
10 Months Ago
Colour Mapping support Update scene Updated sbox-content scene
10 Months Ago
Merge main -> Bikes
10 Months Ago
grass pieces, more scaffolding pieces, tutorial map progress
10 Months Ago
merge from ModelViewerFixes
10 Months Ago
RayTraceSceneWorld boilerplate
10 Months Ago
Chaser https://files.facepunch.com/ziks/2024-05-22/sbox-dev_yOujkz7pEv.mp4 Tweaked player speed and vault cooldown
10 Months Ago
Add retry resilience to DownloadString
10 Months Ago
Vaulter path finding fixes
10 Months Ago
Successfully ignores people who try to block its path
10 Months Ago
Fix in-game news header stretching/squishing
10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Add `auto_refresh_region` convar - defaults to false on linux so it only gets ping region on startup
10 Months Ago
Debug lists Ensure targets are in the right dictionaries Ignored players are now properly removed from the blockers list
10 Months Ago
Fixed crashes due to recent changes to gib system Let's try this again: unload unreferenced materials in more places This is aimed at making sure content from maps is unloaded before content from another map is loaded
10 Months Ago
RPC fixes. Deploy in correct state. Auto select functionality.
10 Months Ago
Return compositor & event manager by value, clean up
10 Months Ago
Allow selected mesh faces to be extracted and put into a new mesh
10 Months Ago
Create vulkan transfer queue, command pool, command buffer for copying images across
10 Months Ago
Imported Dolly and Trolley Props Added Textures and Materials for Dolly and Trolleys Setup Dolly and Trolley Prefabs, Colliders and LODS
10 Months Ago
Reduce stack usage Vulkan headers Include headers Restructure (see desc) fpxr::Instance now handles creating a compositor. fpxr::Compositor handles creating an event manager. The idea behind this is that we want to be able to use Vulkan functions to create images, so that we can pass any valid VkImage in from an app and then have FPXR copy it over to the VkImage that OpenXR wants to use, meaning that you don't have to fuck around with passing images and image views to and from OpenXR and your application. We'll manually vkCmdCopyImage at the end of the frame before submitting to OpenXR (i.e. when rendering a layer). ```cpp fpxr::InstanceBuilder instance_builder{}; fpxr::Instance instance = instance_builder.SetAppName("fpxr") .WithGraphicsAPI(fpxr::GraphicsAPI::GRAPHICS_API_HEADLESS) .RequestValidationLayers() .WithDebugMessenger() .Build(); fpxr::Compositor* compositor = instance.Compositor(); fpxr::EventManager* eventManager = compositor->EventManager(); ```
10 Months Ago
Make rotate undoable
10 Months Ago
Add rotate and treat as one to mesh face texturing
10 Months Ago
Tweak enemy spawn rates Ghost enemy
10 Months Ago
Clear up these ".vfx" references to avoid confusion ColorGrading: Expose to TypeLibrary, make properties public so inspector can find them (Engine classes are exposed differently than classes in projects) Compiled ColorGrading shader ColorGrading: Don't need these private enums, they map 1:1 with the public
10 Months Ago
blunderbus 3p and gun anims update
10 Months Ago
Turn shadows off on cue for now. Cue forward interp increase based on shot power
10 Months Ago
Merge gymnastics
10 Months Ago
Fix yeeting white ball into pocket
10 Months Ago
Fix position
10 Months Ago
Await frame - reimplement animate into pocket Various collision fixes
10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
When finding files to publish, also look in libraries
10 Months Ago
More wip
10 Months Ago
tarp wall scaffold pieces
10 Months Ago
Speedrun stats
10 Months Ago
ColorGrading - Work In Progress ColorGrading Post Process - Work in Progress. Temperature Mapping, Tone mapping methods. Working on per channel curves. Work in progress update RGB and HSV per channel colour curves, UI improvements More WIP changes Added per channel mappings, LUT for HSV and RGB, code improvements, ACES calculations,. Latest ColorGrading post process and shader Latest ColorGrading post process and shader Removed some meta commands and tidy ups Some '#fdefs not needed as unused Uniforms optimised away by compiler. Some white space tidy ups. Merge pull request #1584 from Facepunch/ColorGrading2 Color grading2
10 Months Ago
Removed some meta commands and tidy ups Some '#fdefs not needed as unused Uniforms optimised away by compiler. Some white space tidy ups.
10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Do not detect molotovs
10 Months Ago
linked 4 shotgun ammo types to ammo bones in blunderbus viewmodel prefab and edited swap ammo script. Also removed shotgun ammo reference meshs from viewmodel rig export