117,809 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
merge from hackweek_automatedtesting
Clean: removing hanging meta files that I've commited earlier
Tests: open editor
Merge: from main
Tests: none
Removed rocket scenarios parameter codegen, not needed anymore
Restored rocket tests that required editor stuff to run
Now using a Substring to cut off any characters after 25 have been entered. No longer reverts the field back to "Name"
Test methods can now have more than one parameters
Updated all tests attributes
merge from bike_ragdoll_fixes
TestListExporter now serializes all test parameters and put them in the json
Tests with dynamic parameters no longer need to retrieve them at runtime
- so we can now use editor code to set tests dynamic parameters
- tests will execute faster
also added TestDescription attribute
Merge from presets_editor/quality
ensure ragdoll velocity timeout is always initialized in cases where ragdolls spawn with near-zero velocity
merge from triangle_planter
Techtree0 vanilla and primitive updated
Merge: from hackweek_serverprofiler_memory
- Records allocations from all threads
- Displays allocations on separate thread tracks + a graph of total allocations per thread
- Allocations now have last/current method, allocated type and size in the mark's "arguments" - see "current selection" in perfetto
- Allocations now also duplicate in the executing thread to make it easier to spot where exactly in the method it was allocated.
- Graphs of working set and virtual set memory for the entire process
Tests: multiple snapshots in editor on Craggy, single in standalone debug linux server via WSL on 3k procgen map, single in standalone release windows server on 3k procgen map with a harmony mod
gave rc drones a grenade inventory and the ability to drop grenades out of it
Clean: removing unnecessary using
Tests: compiled in editor
Unlocking planter large unlocks planter triangle at research bench
Clean: deleting empty folder
Left-over from the old merge that I didn't clean up properly
Tests: none
Update: ServerProfiler - switching to release libs (10b88e05)
Tests: tested stanadlone linux server in debug on a 3k procgen map, windows standalone server in release on a 3k procgen map and a harmony mod
Triangle planter crafting pass
Merge: from main
Tests: none
- Add retract/extend mode
- Add menu items
- Wire it into animation controller
- Codegen
Electrical branch name is now clamped on the server side.
Entering more then 25 characters will now default to "Name".
Clean: remove a couple unnecessary TODOs
Tests: none, trivial change
Clean: ServerProfiler - less IntPtr, more Native.MonoMethod
Think I didn't have enough sleep when I was writing it at first.
Tests: exported snapshot in editor on Craggy
Standard 300 open/close now working
Update: ServerProfiler - emit the current/last managed method when recording an allocation
- using debug binaries (10b88e5)
Should reduce/eliminate the need to manually hunt for the allocation in the methods view.
Tests: snaspshot in editor on Craggy
Merge from triangle_planter
Possibly fixed some issues when planting all 4 slots in the triangle planeter
Changed the minimum distance between plants when in a planter from 0.5 -> 0.2, had to be applied to every plant
Update: ServerProfiler - emit a graph of per-thread total allocation size
- Main thread reset the counter every frame, worker threads over their entire lifetime.
This makes it easier to see at a glance how much we allocate per frame/thread.
Tests: exported snapshot in editor on Craggy
Revert small planter to version from
tweaked skinning a little, added open 150 to 300 and open 300 to 150
Fix triangle planter soil mesh not getting wet material effect
4k cooking workbench textures
Merge from fix_texture_streaming
merge from consoletoggle_param_qol
merge from clear_bushes_radius
merge from missing_demo_folder
merge from admin_hidden_items
merge from dofExposerForceDisable
Don't actually disable QualitySettings.streamingMipmapsActive if we ever had an Update() cycle with it enabled. Instead, enable Texture.streamingTextureForceLoadAll for the same effect without crippling Unity's TextureStreamingManager
Setup cooking workbench with new art.
Setup LODS.
Setup deploy guide mesh.
Setup gibs
Added debug.ForceChickensSpawnEgg, forces all chickens in the provided range to drop an egg
Eggs now drop from just behind the chicken
Rework how chickens drop eggs in the world
Every 20-40s check if there are players within 100m, if they are there's a 50% chance an egg will drop
This should mean players that find chickens in the wild could randomly find eggs in the area, or they could chase chickens for a while to try and get an egg
Eggs are now a common item for despawn purposes so they will time out pretty quickly (and we don't flood servers with physics eggs)