117,850 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
merge from hackweek_automatedtesting
Removed nunit dependency in ServerProjectileTestSpawner
merge from doorcontroller_drain_fix
merge from hackweek_automatedtesting
Editor stuff in editor folders....
merge from hackweek_automatedtesting
Fixed copypaste loading: convert them to a BaseScriptableObject on import, so we can load them from asset bundles in builds
Make `RPC_UpdateItems` to not kick in editor
The code generator code for last commit
Add ability to mark RPC attributes to not kick in editor
- avoids you getting disconnected every time a RPC throws exception when developing
- by default RPCs all throw errors
Added a recipe book UI to inventory screens, shows all the recipes for both mixing table and the new food workbench. Highlights recipes you can currently afford to craft.
Refactred the original loot panel recipe UI code out so I can use it in multiple places easily.
Refactor ItemManager by moving the addition & removal of ItemDefinitions to separate methods instead of all inside one `Initialize()` method
Add `test_custom_items` command to confirm it works
Add a bunch of code to support creating custom items based on JSON sent from server
- Fixed animations not working (cleaned up animator and turned off exit time)
Snap back on close?
- Dont nuke the animator on the server
- Cleanup drawbridge
- First steps to debugging broken anims
merge from hackweek_automatedtesting
Fixed testrunner.runall command
Added testlist command, returning the server test list json
Added current branch and changest in the test result filename
Merge from modding_prefabs
Collider tweaks for food cache static prefabs
- Get a collider on the new model and setup
- Sort out basic animator
- Setup realmed removed for the new setup
Better fail message for blocker and door controller tests
drawbridge wip anims and set up controller/avatar
▉▋█▇█ █ ▅▇█ ▄▋▉▊▌▆ ▇▇▋▌▅▊ ▅▍▍▆ ▇▍▉█▆▄▌▊▉, ▇▅▅▋██▉▉ █▋▉▌ ▄▆▋ ▆█▌▆▍://██▌.▉▄▅▉▊.▍▆▍/▍/▍▅▉▅▅▊▆▇▉▄▊▆██▆▊/▋▅▋▆▊▊▄▌▇▊▊▇▍▌▊▆
Updated anchor point for medieval door single static prefab
Removed colliders on static berry bush prefabs (not needed for static variants)
wip drawbridge greybox and anims
merge from hackweek_automatedtesting
Removed nunit.framework refs
RPC & Protobuf for server to send custom phrases
Add support to Translate.cs for additional translate files to be added from the server
- additional translations will always apply after the built-in ones
Merge from triangle_planter
Update description
Update socket names
merge from main -> hackweek_modding_improvements
merge from protobuf_skip_default_fields_2 -> main
Accidently included the codegen exe with hardcoded arguments (when testing)
Reduced cook time to 1 second
merge from cui_button_colors -> hackweek_modding_improvements
Fix CUI test "Exit" button being covered up by the UpdateTestLabel
merge from hackweek_automatedtesting
nunit.framework preserve in link.xml
- Prefab cleanup (split client + server nicely)
- Add temporary bee buzzing sounds to beehives, natural hives and swarms
cooking workbench model and textures
Allow the color when a CUI button is hovered to be changed
- string `normalColor`
- string `highlightedColor`
- string `pressedColor`
- string `selectedColor`
- string `disabledColor`
- float `colorMultiplier`
- float `fadeDuration`
Can now cook Honeycomb in a furnace to produce Jars of Honey quickly
- Changed honeycomb stack size to 100
- Removed logs