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Compile fix
Merge branch 'main' of HackWeek_TerryHorror
Increased number of physics substeps
Adjust speed based on walk animation
Set anim look at values to be unsmoothed
Implement IHoldable, VrPlayerHand, very much a WIP
Zombie movement ignores debris
Map updates, flesh out sewer area
Merge branch 'main' of HackWeek_TerryHorror
Add second stash to player's inventory, make it all work
Adding a bit of graph-side damping to 1D move_groundspeed values
Animation improvements (part 2)
Particle position fixes, rotate elf tower to face camera
Fix warnings
Switch anim choice nodes back to selector, move parameter sets to OnAnimGraphCreated
Apply hit force when shooting zombies, copy bone positions to ragdolls
Remove unused stuff
StashManager to handle moving items to different cells or inventories
Name change
Merge branch 'main' of HackWeek_TerryHorror
worked out a few issues with assembly area and got all 144 pieces spawning in
Modulating walks by move_groundspeed
More sync fixes, got a better idea though
Adjust networking even more, this is very playable now, but I think I can still do better
Don't bounce on carpet, scale bounce sound w/ velocity
More enemy spawning tweaks
pieces have assigned slots, interactions for placing pieces in wrong slots
Don't let enemies kill vaulting players
Ruby value tweak
Chat messages, new enemy spawn logic
Fixed seeker not always reaching players
Fixed charger starting angry
Money ticker on pickup
Insert and remove items into inventory grid, automatically maintains their position
Tippy style adjustment
Remove old bs inventory grid
Better fire particles, undead tower scaling and setup
Client decides when it wants to take control, various other desync fixes
Haptic feedback when hitting ball
Minor vbsp changes from go branch
Fixed IRestore.ReadString having a limit on string length
Lighting / material tweaks
Floor texture tweak
Lots of material tweaks
Updated particles on rocket and rail
scoreboard + game status work
human + orc + elf tower scaling and setup
fire particle light and scaling
spawn projectiles at "muzzle" attachment location (if there is one)
Treasure tweaks, added ruby
Sweat drops particle tweak
Item models refactor, added some gems
Fixed materials not showing up in-game
Make the ball completely clientside with a backing server entity for sync, make all of serving clientside too
More LFS + don't ignore .obj
Bug fixes + a test map + fix LFS settings
cave_entrance_c LODs, hull, collider meshes
some set dressing
S2P relevant cave scenes