256,231 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

3 Years Ago
Reverse airshot logic
3 Years Ago
wall letter box - adjusted size to snap to grid Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
Test to fix lighting particles network
3 Years Ago
More tweaks to consecutive
3 Years Ago
Tweak how consecutive kills are calculated
3 Years Ago
Actually fixed it
3 Years Ago
Update Arena map
3 Years Ago
Fix sprees and consecutives
3 Years Ago
Update game and org names
3 Years Ago
Disabled the front facing ladder volumes that were interfering/slowing player movement towards the ingress point
3 Years Ago
Initial commit Initial commit
3 Years Ago
Only play sound to attacker
3 Years Ago
Don't play headshot sound for damage when it has the Blast flag
3 Years Ago
Only play headshot sound if it was a kill
3 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in the menu !switch
3 Years Ago
Add GiveAirshotAward virtual property to DeathmatchWeapon and add it for RailGun and RocketLauncher Fixed all pickups running code client-side that should be server-side only Add Award class and all basic award types (some don't have the announcer sound yet) Add test GiveAwardCmd (admin-only) and first player death tracker for First Blood Add ConsecutiveKills and SpreeKills, as well as track domination kills and give all awards accordingly Add basic award UI to be styled later Merge branch 'main' of sbox-boomer
3 Years Ago
Locomotive instrument panel does a little lightshow when you couple with a new wagon. Also small texture tweaks to facilitate it.
3 Years Ago
Pass radius of light to shader so we dont need a sqrt operation on culling
3 Years Ago
Reduced Healthkit to 15 Mega Health model Better armour pickup model
3 Years Ago
New TreeView - adds smooth scrolling, entity and panel list improvements
3 Years Ago
InteropGen clean up child include files before generation, to avoid local left over files making you feel like it all still compiles fine Fix local left over file making me feel like it all still compiles fine
3 Years Ago
Support for multiple fish types
3 Years Ago
Reduce how far out the island billboards spawn so they aren't out of bounds on larger maps
3 Years Ago
Fix the nexus.transfer command taking the ferry with you when on a ferry
3 Years Ago
Add Release Mode option to compiler settings
3 Years Ago
Some cleanup + fix BouncingProjectile impact logic More tidy up
3 Years Ago
Hawaiian shirt skinning pass
3 Years Ago
Added a quick shader for testing, rendering, wrapped settings.
3 Years Ago
changed molotov cocktail to no longer use the liquid material as it wasn't working with motion blur, and have set up a refraction material to replace it. UV and mesh tweaks, and rebaked out normal map to fix a reflection pixelation bug, removed backfaces mesh
3 Years Ago
Don't jump to SelectionOverride() item unless it changed Don't show client only entities in Pawns section Treeview keyboard navigation, scrollTo Scroll to item on dynamic selection
3 Years Ago
Backup 2022/07/21 09:50:00 UTC
3 Years Ago
Disabled all particle system LOD scripts on the new FX for now. Need to work out a way to make this play nicely with Play/Stop before we re-enable them.
3 Years Ago
Hawaiian Shirt Fbx's for Skinning, Including LODs and Cut Citizen Torso geo.
3 Years Ago
Fixed the unloading indicator on train engine monitors not showing if the index was zero
3 Years Ago
Put gibs in category
3 Years Ago
Fade closed sections Fix hovered item being invalid when rebuilt while hovering Fix not clearing map/game entity categories if none
3 Years Ago
Always animate the locomotive fans. All the exceptions (spectate, debugcam, demo etc) were getting more complex than just always animating
3 Years Ago
Split entity list into world and game https://files.facepunch.com/garry/ec9d32de-b157-4e32-9479-131a6f4b5390.png
3 Years Ago
Fixed wrong pressure gauge readings when locomotive is off
3 Years Ago
Fixed locomotive fans and gauges not animating in demos
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
merge from cui_texture_cache
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
fix quad boss2 invuln pixel sfx
3 Years Ago
Reference the crates on the loot wagon via EntityRef
3 Years Ago
Drop loot from loot wagon unloadable crates if the wagon is destroyed, but only if the gravel has already been removed
3 Years Ago
Fixed loot wagon crate visibility bug
3 Years Ago
Cease unloading if the fuse is removed during the unloading process
3 Years Ago
Don't light the interior coaling tower lights if it's not powered (fuse)
3 Years Ago
Backup 2022/07/21 03:50:00 UTC