256,231 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Increased minimum time between open/close sfx to 0.2s
Enforce a minimum of 0.1s between an open or close sound playing, should hopefully fix sounds occasionally playing twice quickly
Set up the same ParticleSystemContainer + PlayOnShow + Stop on init system for the unloadable train wagon FX an coaling tower FX. Fixes LODs not playing nicely with play/stop.
Fixed demos failing to playback if the local player died during the recording
FIxed HurtOverlay appearing if in debug camera and the local player is hurt/dies
Open/close sounds for item_drop prefabs (normal, backpack, buoyant) and fuse box
Fixed locomotive engine FX not behaving well with LOD
Filter by version tag when using cache
Moved loot open/close sounds to new IContainerSounds interface for easier implemenation, refactored existing implementations
Added support for loot open/close sounds to ItemBaseFlowRestrictor and DroppedItemContainer classes
Fixed duplicate open/close sound entries on Modular Car LIfts
Exploded on impact Grenades
Rocket Launcher in killfeed
Merge from prefab_optimisations/trainyard_merge
Applied UndergroundLODSwitcher to door.hinged.industrial_a_a and door.hinged.industrial_a_b (both used in train tunnels)
Adjusted Railgun knockback
Nail climbing
Updated armour material
Null check around fxEngineOn
Fixed invalid textures for scene backup.
Additional physical camera sensor types (ALEXA LF + 35)
Disabled Play On Show on the locomotive exhaust as well
Disabled Play On Show on the FX
Add a new UndergroundLODSwitcher that switches the environment type of a LOD component to Underground if it is more than 15m below the terrain
Applied it to the elevator doors in train tunnels (prevents 5-10 skinned mesh renderers rendering from over 100m away when the player isn't in the tunnel, but keeps any doors close to the surface unchanged)
Set colour tints on the coaling tower FX
Hooked up coaling tower FX
Tint the wagon unloading FX dust differently based on the ore type
Trigger the wagon unload FX when unloading
Backup 2022/07/20 21:50:00 UTC
Delete old content + added armour pickup model
Live/dev switch + fixes to accommodate new db creation
Fixed locomotive small lights starting in on state with the locomotive off (prevLightVisualsOnState bug)
Show locomotive engine FX only when the engine is running
Added World central kitchen logo prefab for Charitable Rust 2022 event (custom map prefab)
- Subtracted
72739 (rotation only, keep darkness)
- Added variation between each fan's speed in LocomotiveExtraVisuals
Add "Copy Path" to asset inspector header menu
Coal tower emptying tweak for new tinting purposes
Use .addon for project templates
- Removed template.json.
- Use AddonConfig meta to show information in the addon creator dialog.
- Allows template creators to set up any information for their addon to be passed to newly created addons.
Fix interpolation issues, more optimized updates...
Increase round timer annoying during testing
Clear texture cache after destroying textures
Stick some NoInlining attributes on some properties in the World class so Harmony can get its hooks in there
fixed viewmodel bob taking too long to lerp out during ADS transition (re: hJune fail)
Add BouncingProjectile.BounceSoundMinimumVelocity and set in GrenadeLauncher
Add BulletDropWeapon.AdjustProjectileVelocity
Improve BouncingProjectile logic to use correct values for Reflect
Fixed HealthKit
Adjusted projectile starting velocity and bounciness for grenade launcher
Added BouncingProjectile.BounceSound
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-boomer
Remove non functioning ent_text and related commands
Add ent_text & restore ent_remove_all commands in C#
remove projectile drop from nailgun and rocketlauncher