239,314 Commits over 3,837 Days - 2.60cph!

58 Days Ago
Add LargeNetworkFiles table
58 Days Ago
updated wording
58 Days Ago
jutting cliffs progress
58 Days Ago
merge from main
58 Days Ago
Merge from main
58 Days Ago
Add ParticleVector3
58 Days Ago
Support more than 1 gamepad input action with the same button
58 Days Ago
crustaceans upscaled and added transparency, fish swim prefabs (unused currently) , barnacles tiling first pass
58 Days Ago
Fix errors when first creating terrain, make sure it's all updated, don't render without storage Only recreate clipmap if we have to, this takes time to build
58 Days Ago
Created EditorKeybinds.cs with a few starting keybinds Move Keybinds into EditorPreferences since that makes more sense Add RegisterShortcuts() function whenever shortcuts are registered and use the EditorPreferences keybind instead of hardcoded string Added Editor Keybinds page to EditorPreferencesWindow Subscribe all RegisterShortcut voids to keybinds.update EditorEvent https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/July/10_21-46-TautDuck.mp4 Create shortcut for EditorCycleViewMode Make Keybinds page scrollable, add Reset to Default button, and add Are You Sure popup to Reset button Use TitleAttribute for keybind names https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/July/10_22-23-FakeGourami.png Add AllowModifiers to KeyBind widget, set to true for Editor Keybinds Page (Allows you to bind CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Whatever) Some FileOption binds, but they dont auto-update yet. Will need to find a good way to do that for Option entries Call keybinds.update EditorEvent on Reset to Default Created EditorShortcuts.cs to eventually replace EditorPreferences.Keybinds Need to call this after EditorTypeLibrary is created Register shortcuts elsewhere and remove some option shortcuts Change default shortcut type Register shortcuts on hotload Convert some older shortcuts into the new [Shortcut] attribute Change shortcut defaults Update EditorShortcuts to include Identifier and Keys, including method to get current keys from overrides (player defined overrides) Display [Shortcut] shortcuts in Editor Keybinds page instead of EditorPreferences.Keybinds EditorShortcuts rebinding actually works now, much more lightweight than prior version Make user overrides save properly Get Name and Group properly, allow attributes to override. Get keys from shortcut name in Option.cs Allow non-static method shortcuts since there seems to be a good chunk of those Stop feeding shortcut to Options for now Fix size of Editor Keybinds page Fix using the wrong widget for non-static shortcuts Move EditorPreferences.Keybinds over to new [Shortcut] attribute system on each function Completely remove EditorPreferences.Keybinds Change name/groups for a few shortcuts Order categories by name in PageKeybinds Remove some debug logs Create Texture Editor and Actiongraph shortcuts Create ShaderGraph, Hotspot Editor and some more scene shortcuts Add GameObject/Transform shortcuts and fix static method issues. Made grid size shortcuts Window type instead of Widget type Make all the different editors share a few binds (So there's not a Copy,Cut,Paste,Undo,Redo,ect. per-editor) Make classes with [Shortcut] attribute properly rebindable (used for editortools) Cleanup shortcut groups Added individual Revert button when bind is different from the default https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/July/12_08-54-UnimportantTarantula.mp4 Qt Option now takes shortcut ident (eg. "editor.undo") and internally resolves bind (eg. "CTRL+Z"), updating when changed. No longer registers shortcut internally when set. Shortcuts with Function Keys are always to editor even when Game Frame is in focus F3 and F5 editor commands are now Shortcuts like everything else Fix shortcut not displaying on Align To View option Fix SaveMixer being static Change "F5" -> "editor.toggle-play" on Play menu option Cache the overrides so we don't have to keep checking against EditorCookie Super minor cleanup Rename Name -> DisplayName so there's no conflict on KeybindPanel Fix ShortcutOverrides not loading properly Use CodeToString(ButtonCode) instead of the weird enum parsing I was doing.
58 Days Ago
Industrial storage adaptors no longer block player movement
58 Days Ago
Update fog.cubemap.scene
58 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #12679
58 Days Ago
Wake touching when disabling a body, why would we not want to?
58 Days Ago
Some games rely on map having a collider
58 Days Ago
CollisionEventSystem has less reliance on Collider MapInstance uses SceneMap instead of Map so it can manage it's own collision. Build collision from physics group desc instead of using CreateAggregateInstance
58 Days Ago
Merge from block_dof_playback
58 Days Ago
Added DemoShotPlayback.BlockDofPlayback as a temporary tool to block the depth of field track in a shot
58 Days Ago
Cleaned out broken shrub prefabs from airfield Fixed walkways not getting included in HLOD mesh resulting in floating mesh
58 Days Ago
more card model
58 Days Ago
Scene progress
58 Days Ago
Fixed a misaligned shadow proxy on wall_plaster_300 prefab S2P power_sub_big_2, harbor_1, harbor_2, powerplant, trainyard and water treatment
58 Days Ago
Fixed ladder_prop prefab having a box collider instead of it's mesh collider Affects dome, wooden cabins b/d/e, lighthouse, water well b/c/d/e
58 Days Ago
S2P junkyard and launch site as they also used the offending walkway prefab
58 Days Ago
Fix several walkways at dome using the wrong collider and blocking bullets where they shouldn't
58 Days Ago
Fixed bike instrument light z-figting
58 Days Ago
taco, burrito skunk care package cash card model wip
58 Days Ago
Improved sidecar bike still pulling slightly to the left. Also moved centre of mass on motorbikes towards the rear a little.
58 Days Ago
Fix map collider destroying body when it shouldn't, causing a crash when map physics aggregate is destroyed
58 Days Ago
For legacy hammer maps, take global volumetric fog scale from VolumetricFogController
58 Days Ago
Merge from spectator_team_fix
58 Days Ago
Another attempt at fixing the spectator display showing incorrect team member names while spectating Also made a small performance improvement
58 Days Ago
Merge EditorExtras -> main
58 Days Ago
Fix e defined but not set Removed unused variable viewerPosition Show preview tile under cursor when in Tileset Tool. Fit to Grid nicely
58 Days Ago
Fix ortho lights in SceneMapLoader and custom shadow size, note that shadow culling will suck on ortho lights until we change tiled culling to use frusta
58 Days Ago
Fix text renderer scale
58 Days Ago
- ▉▊▊▄▊▋ █▉▌▅ ▉▇▄▍, ▇▆▊▉▋▅▆ ▅▆▇▅▍█ ▇▊▉▇▉█▆▌▉ ▆▇ ▉▄▆▌▊▇▆ - ▋▇▄▉▌█ ▍█▊ ▄██▇▌▊▇▅ ▍▆▌▄ '--▍▋▅▋▄▇-▄▋▌█▉▌▄█▉' -> '-▇▋▌▅▇▄-▌▆█▅▌█▌▋▅' ▍▇ ▉▆ ▌▊▍▋ ▋▅-▍▋▋▊ ▌▊▆█ ▄▍█▅▄ █▍▅█▊▊▅ ▌▅▍▋▉▅▆▌▊
58 Days Ago
Store the last code entered into a code lock in player prefs so it gets saved between servers and between client restarts
58 Days Ago
Merge from travelling_vendor/dynamic_pricing Summary: vending price changes now take place in real time and will occur every 5 hours by default (was tied to in-game time and was happening 4 times an hour)
58 Days Ago
Dir tweaks, asset reconfig
58 Days Ago
General layout tidy-up
58 Days Ago
Moved the Loadouts section to the bottom since there are so many loadouts now
58 Days Ago
Fixed the 'LOADOUT' section making the editor window want to be very wide
58 Days Ago
Import some tile assets Test Tileset Resource TilesetLayerControl deletes on right click without the additional popup Rebuild TilesetToolInspector when Selected Layer changes. Serialize Selected Layer as part of the ControlSheet Fixed TilesetComponent SceneObject vertex maths. Each layer now gets its own material, sharing materials between layers if same atlas is used. Update Grid Size to follow Tileset size Fix Selected Layer inspector update TilesetComponent NRE fixes
58 Days Ago
Decouple dynamic pricing entirely from in-game time, now operates off real time Renamed IntervalHours to PriceUpdateFrequency, defaults to 5 hours (this will also ensure the new defaults roll out next month) Add npcvendingmachine.addHours for testing now that env.addtime will no longer affect npc vending prices
58 Days Ago
A couple of minor adjustments to the editor
58 Days Ago
Added a section in the editor that allows enabling a CLIENT+SERVER physics testing mode
58 Days Ago
Added NPCVendingMachine.UseRealTime toggle, will use the system clock instead of the in-game clock when adjusting prices Recommend adjusting IntervalHours down dramatically when using this option so that prices don't take 5 real time days to adjust (setting this to 5 would match the current behaviour) If changed at runtime resetDynamicPricing should be called afterwards to resync the pricing to the new clock This would also have a side effect of making prices adjust while the server is offline - prices will be processed to make up for the missing time when a server is booted up again
58 Days Ago
Fixed bad spacing in the Game section
58 Days Ago
Merge from main