253,176 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Still apply damage forces to invulnerable props
4 Years Ago
Un-flood my test map, return to antediluvian times
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
If player is holding Back when they successfully catch a fish backwards movement is now blocked for 1s while the fish is caught. The block is removed if the player releases the back key on their own
4 Years Ago
Resizer: Also rebuild mass and wake up children on parent resizes, forces physics proxies to update
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Completely remove game feature sets Hammer: Disable test terrain item
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Update toolhelp_hammer_commands_english.txt
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Disable bake AO tool, it's bullshit
4 Years Ago
Merge Main ->SubmarineSeptember
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Hammer: Remove some restrictions on dota tilegrid
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Remove obsolete game specific message when preparing to build
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Fix decal drag and drop not using info_overlay
4 Years Ago
Update gameinfo.gi
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Disable game feature sets, we don't want this
4 Years Ago
Revert "Rework VR spectator view to work on console view, still need to fix offset" This reverts commit 2f1fa0584ab9e4c52d2f9cc5cdbd7f37e86c9b36.
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Support for <size> tags in FancyText
4 Years Ago
Updated CrouchWalkSW + low variant, updated 1D/2D ModelDoc blends & Animgraph blends
4 Years Ago
Rework VR spectator view to work on console view, still need to fix offset Increase VR cull frustum Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Updated CrouchWalkSE + low variant
4 Years Ago
RTS Greenlands Map Map created with the tile editor, designed for 1v1 gameplay. Increased resources around the map Improved lighting on Day & Night cycle Added lights around base
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Created IManagedRenderPipeline, inject into render pipeline using SetPtrValue Make Dof performance acceptable Make Rand statics thread safe Add Render.DrawScreenQuad Tweak RenderBlock Managed post process (disabled for now) Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Fix for ListMenu input on Switch Fixed case where leadboard error messages overlapped entries
4 Years Ago
Fix crash
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Also added underscores to the filenames of Walk/Run FBX files for consistency with sequence names Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
4 Years Ago
Remove VR hack, get autofidelity working better, make VR viewport not mess up when we change the player viewport Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
GetAttachment API change
4 Years Ago
Model.GetAttachment returns nullable transform to stay consistent with ModelEntity.GetAttachment
4 Years Ago
Updated CrouchWalk W/NW/NE/E, & their low variants + also renamed all relevant FBX files to have the same underscore as the animation name for consistency
4 Years Ago
Fix CModel::GetAttachmentTransform returning junk on invalid attachment instead of identity
4 Years Ago
Fixed being able to deposit resources into a structure that is still being built
4 Years Ago
Hide the top bar for spectators when they join during an existing game
4 Years Ago
Updated CrouchWalkE + added low variant
4 Years Ago
Have Armageddon researchable in the Advanced Research Lab Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts Added filtering capability to Statuses.Apply and apply a filter to the Heal Ability to only heal friendly units
4 Years Ago
Hammer: FBX export defaults to binary fbx
4 Years Ago
Fix culling frustom culling objects near VR headset border
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Improved loading process to do with Lua files so they are not sometimes redownloaded every time, also makes accessing files from Lua cache potentially faster
4 Years Ago
Fishing shop sign art files
4 Years Ago
Fixed crashes when the File object in steamworks.DownloadUGC's callback is closed prematurely
4 Years Ago
LooseBlonde hairstyle WIP
4 Years Ago
cherrypicking 64097 64074 64075
4 Years Ago
IMaterial -> IMaterial2 CModel -> IModel CRenderMesh -> IMesh CTextureBase -> ITexture