248,556 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
Assets derive from Resource, are reference networkable
4 Years Ago
Merge from render_scale
4 Years Ago
Bug fixes
4 Years Ago
No writing files yet
4 Years Ago
Update styling to match .editorconfig Keeps everything consistent Merge pull request #12 from ogniK5377/format Update styling to match .editorconfig
4 Years Ago
Disable noclip on player death When a player dies whilst in noclip, they respawn with noclip. This change disables noclip on respawn Merge pull request #13 from ogniK5377/noclip-spawn Disable noclip on player death
4 Years Ago
Introduce description to .addon Gamemodes have a description, we should make this known in the base gamemode Merge pull request #3 from ogniK5377/description Introduce description to .addon
4 Years Ago
Fixed Authority error when moving white ball before Owner is properly replicated
4 Years Ago
fix player highlight
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Add Model.Name Model is a Resource Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Added basic permissions system/library, currently used only for askconnect dialog
4 Years Ago
Fix ModelEntity.GetMaterialGroup
4 Years Ago
Can network List<Resource>
4 Years Ago
Updated surface property of pool.ball to have reduced bounce threshold (woop) and load/save rating JSON
4 Years Ago
Added NetworkResource Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Gas Cylinder Tall Gas cylinder tall now in and should be working as an explosive physics prop. Tinting is also available for it. I have also fixed the physics prop type on the fat cylinder to make it sheet metal not metal so its weight is not crazy. Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Rename INetIdentifiable to Resource
4 Years Ago
StationaryCombat state now uses the newer entity targeting to match Combat state.
4 Years Ago
Aim fix
4 Years Ago
Don't spawn harbors in tight places where they end up adjusting the coastline opposite to them (looks bad, leads to glitchy topologies)
4 Years Ago
Strip old health stuff
4 Years Ago
Health is a float
4 Years Ago
Entity.Health is a float
4 Years Ago
fix orb target bullets Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity orb tweaks, etc tweaked trench background smooth out hunter form2 initial aiming speed tweaked pixelgroup damaged colors octopus unit border warning increase oracle hp for easy mode
4 Years Ago
Don't download files from server if we're the listen server host
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Built in waterlevel, networked and predicted Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Gas cylinder fat phys shape adjustment now two meshes not one for more accurate collision Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Whitelist System.Text.Json
4 Years Ago
Added bounce threshold to surface (was hard coded to 40 in engine previously)
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Don't run any dof processes (lerp times, nudges) while playing a shot if the shot has dof data
4 Years Ago
Load cfg later in the demo load process (hopefully fix player seed issues) Added demo.readcfg convar to load the cfg again while the demo is playing Revert DropMe changes on branch, theoretically not needed anymore Cleanup playback and recording when exiting a demo
4 Years Ago
WIP stopping particles from showing above the water
4 Years Ago
Water level check fix. Add collision to bubbles so they don't show inside the sub when reversing.
4 Years Ago
Get in water/not in water info. Don't show bubbles when not in water
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Reposition the prop bubbles on the duo sub
4 Years Ago
Merge from demoshot
4 Years Ago
Run "decal.clear" when opening a shot
4 Years Ago
Add basic semi-placeholder bubble FX for the sub propeller
4 Years Ago
Increased scroll sensitivity in shots view Fixed demo name line wrapping incorrectly
4 Years Ago
Fixed demo list UI on main menu erroring if a non demo file was in the demo folder Added support for demo cfg files - a text file with the same name as the demo and .cfg extension that contains a list of console commands Each command should be on it's own line Starting a demo will now run those commands (good for setting player seeds, weather conditions, etc)
4 Years Ago
Initial commit Add unity project Reverted to simpler steam byte array methods Comment
4 Years Ago
Scene backup
4 Years Ago
Fixed per-update keyframe properties not being applied to later frames Fixed condition for adding VelocityData / MoveToTargetData Stop despawning bullets from moving Working on fully supporting ECS bullet parenting / anchoring ECS bullet render system profiling