248,563 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
Rename NetworkVariable to NetworkAtomic Added string replication Refactor Support networking List<string>
4 Years Ago
merge from HDRPB merge
4 Years Ago
merge from hdrp backport
4 Years Ago
Damage floater colour alpha isn't ignored, scale can be overridden
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
▄▇▆ ▉▅█▍+ ▋▄▅▋▋▊█▆█ █▍▇▌▅▋▌▌▅ ▉█▇▊▊▍▋▅ ▊▆▉▆▊▄▇██ ▊▌▊▋ ▅▉▋▆▍ ▄▆▇ ▍▆▉▇█▉▍ ▉▅▇▆▄▊▍▅ ▋▆▌▍▍ █▋▅▍▆▇
4 Years Ago
Deleted EntityHandle
4 Years Ago
Physics damage is scaled with velocity, not static (the scaling should probably be tweaked)
4 Years Ago
Fix for sbox-issues/issues/233, throw errors if doing this wrong
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Trim now unused data changed callbacks Use predicted versions of classes instead of recreating NetworkList is obsolete Refactoring, List<> uses BaseNetworkContainer
4 Years Ago
Art source backup
4 Years Ago
Update construct.vmap Updated with basic art started
4 Years Ago
Rename "DamageNumber" to "DamageFloater" Fixed damage floater kerning
4 Years Ago
Add context menu items to compile sounds with looping enabled/disabled until there's an editor for it
4 Years Ago
Fixed exception on non-ECS stages New damage number sprites Damage floater systems refactor, fixed ECB system usage
4 Years Ago
NetworkEmbedClass and INetworkTable
4 Years Ago
Lowered density of train signal lights Added signal lights to tjunctions
4 Years Ago
skin approval
4 Years Ago
merge from ai main
4 Years Ago
Added basic ELO ranking display support (saving to JSON is disabled for now)
4 Years Ago
▆▍▋▇▇ ▇▆▆▅▊ ▋▄▇▊▋ ▄▅▊▍▄, ▅▅▆▊▊▍▉▅ ▉▊▇ ▋▅▇▄, ▍▋▇ █▌▌▆ ▄▅▋▉▄ ▆▇ ▇▆▆▇▆▍
4 Years Ago
Sound.SetRandomPitch is executed once at start of playback, Sound.SetPitch is always executed and multiplied with initial random pitch
4 Years Ago
fat gas cylinder fix Fixed normal issues, fixed naming of meshes and phys shape. Fixed LODs not working. Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Maps without a spawnpoint no longer throw an exception, but a warning
4 Years Ago
countryside bunker entrance final art - models and prefabs
4 Years Ago
Strip old netcode
4 Years Ago
Fixed a crash in particle editor when trying to preview a particle that failed to preview Fixed a crash with Inspector tool and float data types
4 Years Ago
Log codegen exceptions Show codegen exceptions in VS
4 Years Ago
Added another submaterial to train signal lights to prevent emissive bleed onto non-emissive parts Added a larger base to train_signal_lights_b variant
4 Years Ago
Trying to network CUtlBinaryBlock was a disaster, cleaning up Embed boilerplate
4 Years Ago
Move common logic for whether owner is in play to a separate method
4 Years Ago
Fixed server accepting input from everyone
4 Years Ago
Removed "controllers" and the Cue handles its own fate now, properly predicted with Simulate and client effects (shot power line etc) updated in Tick for each client
4 Years Ago
Initial ui batching shader
4 Years Ago
Initial ui batching shader
4 Years Ago
damage floaters dont spawn traps in easy mode
4 Years Ago
▇▍▌▋▊ █▊▋▄▇ ▅▋▊▌▌ █▍▅█▉ ▍▍ ▇▋ ▄▄▍▉▌▍▅ ▇▆▌▄▅▋▋▉ ▆▌▉▇▆ ▋▊▆▄▊ ▄▆▊▍▋▉█ ▉▅ ▋▊▉▄▌▅▆ ▌▉▋ ▋▋▋▅▊ ▆▊▇▊▅ ▍█▋▍▍ ▋▊█▇█ ▆▊ ▊▉ ▄▌▋▋▊▅▍ ▌▄█▇▍▇▄▄ ▋▅▆ ▋▇▆▇ ▍▉ ▅▅█▋▉▄█▄▄ - ▅▄▋▉▍ ▊█▅▄▇▆▊▍█▊█
4 Years Ago
Fix Sound.SetPitch, also add Sound.SetPitchRange
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Codegen for NetworkVariable, working with hotloading Cleaner, safer Prediction fixes, network lists
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
merge from ai hdrpb
4 Years Ago
adding industrial stairs prefab, tweak material and models
4 Years Ago
Fixed shots getting selected/unselected incorrectly when dragging a shot
4 Years Ago
Can drag shots into the root folder
4 Years Ago
Prop is now animated on both subs
4 Years Ago
Auto focus shot name field when opening the new shot UI
4 Years Ago
Example of spawning new damage floaters
4 Years Ago
ShapeInstanced shader tweaks to support non-square atlas grids WIP new damage floaters Finished new damage floater system