249,476 Commits over 3,959 Days - 2.63cph!
Slightly tweaked near AO to remove black spots on grass
Converted ScreenOverlay effect
Fixed Vector3.Angle being bullshit
Lets use more System.Numerics.Vector3
making VelocityClipPlanes.TryAdd public
Adding Trace.WorldAndEntities
Adding Trace.FromTo
Create MoveHelper.cs
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Don't leave this spammy null log in here
Show white area when appropriate, fixed the cue going crazy due to a weird bug with Normal that sometimes returns negative zeros,
Solar panel replacement
model, textures and material setup
only sense friendlies if groupable. cache senses.
added ai.groups convar toggle. codegen.
Merge from tree_shadow_proxy_subtract to fix broken tree shadows when using flashlights
Groups can now handle members leaving and reform if leader gets removed.
apply crane damage reduction after player damage
Updated AO properties to fix ghosting near camera.
▋▉-▅▋▆▆▇▅ ▉▌▌▄ ▉▆▇▅▄▍▊▄▍ ▋▆▄▄▉
Citizen V2: pelvis-to-thigh twist procedural helper constraints + SMG hold pose
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
crane magnet - smoother movement for crane arms
Remove ADD TYPE debug spam
Fix assert in map extension check
Vector3.SubtractDirection has a strength param
Vector3.GetAngle returns in degrees (consistent with other apis)
Add Sandbox.VelocityClipPlanes
Re-enabling graphics jobs on macOS (done experimenting)
▅▅▊▋▍▌▄ - ▊▌▄▅▅▅▊ ▌▄+ ▍▌█▅▆ ██▆▉▇▇▊
Increased Bandit_Guard sense range.
Redesigned bandit guard AI to be stationary.
Bandit town setup.
Added hdprb test scene for bandit town.
added a random chance for FaceNewDirection to animal idle state
Fixed CarShredder_Top_Collider read/write moaning
Fixed shadow proxies on train wagons
Improved control mechanism, removed redundant FirstPersonView, numbered my balls, added addition enum to fgd
crane magnet - fixed incorrect materials on some lods
excavator setup, hdrpb test scene.
▍▋▅▄▇▌ ▉▊▌▄ ▆▍▊█, ▆▄▊▍▆▄▆ ▉▄█▋▆▉▋ ▊▅█▄▍
Remove localplayer local angles hack from Entity.EyeAngles()
Added Player.LocalEyeAngles(), which returns the unmodified by vehicle view/being parented eye angles.
Scene2Prefab all - prefabs only
oilrigs setup, s2p.
added hdrpb oilrig test scene.
Fixed map loading failed when doing map/changelevel with .vpk on the end (like when buildcubemaps)
Mil tunnels setup, s2p.
Added hdrpb mil tunnels test scene.
System.Attribute whitelist fixes
Fixed AC handling of arrays
Fixed CEntityInstance being used from engine2.dll, in which g_pEntitySystem is null so was causing things like SetEntityName to crash
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
changing default display on sapling_conifer_small to temperate
Better sewer branch blend map
Disabling graphics jobs on macOS for better profiling
Don't update look direction on modelstate from the server on the local player - we set that every frame so it's more accurate locally
Rotate our smoothed direction instead of lerping
festive xmas wreath holly floating fix
Setting up chip locations and definitions