248,553 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!
Further optimize Hammer auto visgroup rebuilding when applying tool textures
Fixed major hang when opening Texture Application Tool with many objects selected
Fixed alignment/size of Texture Shift/Scale Y axis text boxes to match the other text boxes, now its perfect
Compile fix
Fix balloon rope being predicted out
Added Particles.SetEntityBone
SetEntityBone has offset
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add viewmodel combos to shaders that would be used in viewmodel
Fix met crashing when loading a material with invalid sshader
Move light management stuff to C++
rocket_launcher ao texture (didn't have one before)
Fixed forwarded key bind commands triggering twice
Progress on tunnel LODs and colliders
Unified LOD distances across all modules
Moved pivot points to the centre of the mesh to help with lodding
Added occlusion meshes to help with pixel flickering/light leaking
Some tidyup, shader fixes for reflection probe.
Bind DemoEyeQuat
Added Sound.SetVolume, SetPitch, SetPosition
Replace old EmitSound with new Sound object
Sounds via SoundOpGameSystem
sound op system support host suppression
Rename ParticleSystem to Particles
▋▌██▍ ▋▉▄█ ▆▆▊ █▊▌▅▋▌ ▅█▋ ▊▍▌▌▋▇ ██▇ ▉█▊▄▆▉▆ ▋▆▇▇▍█ ▅▉ ▆▋▅▆▍▌
merge from SummerCollision
Particle system creation uses hostindex, so can be prediction supressed
▅▍▇▋▉ ▅ ▆▉▄▅▄▆ ▇▄▋▇▉▍ ▅▇▇▍█ ▌▉▋▋ ▊▊ ▍█▊█▄▅█ ▌▊▋▊▄ ▅▋ ▋▍▊ ▋▅▍▉ █▄▅▉█▆ ▉▉ ▆▌█▊▍▅▋█▋▇ ▍▆█▌▆ █▇▆ ▅▊▌▍▄ ▊▊▅█▇▉▌▉ ▍▍▆ █▍▆█▆▊, ▄█▌ ▇▆▋▄▊▌ ▊▆ ▆▄▌ ▋▆▋▋▍▋▊▇ ▍▌▌▍▇▆▇ (▇▆▌▍▉▊▇▅▊█ ▍▄▌▉▌▉▆ ▍ ▅▉▅▅█ ██▄ ▋▉ ▍▉▆▇▌▆█▇█ ▆█▆▇▅)
Don't use source's SuppressHost stuff
Client can ignore incoming RPCs if they already predicted it
Added Global.IsPlayingDemo
Fixed Assets not loading when playing demos
Don't suppress when playing demos
Added JsonConverter for Material
Fixed assets not loading in demos proper
Debug output
converge effect bullet
reverted ignorePlayerCollision change, fixed reroll again
hit_money powerup
fix homing targeting
fix turret ownership
steal powerup
confuse powerup
▉▅▆ ▅▆▉▍ ▄▊▄▌▍▇▉▊█ ▆▅▄ ▅▍▆▍▋▆ ▌▅▋ ▌▉ ▆▌▆▍▅▇▇▊▆▍▋ ▇▄█ ▇▍▋▄▊▅ ▅▋ ▍▍▌▇▅▉▌ ▇▇▅▆▅▋▄▊ ▇▇▇▅▊▍▅
█▊▅▉▇▆ ▅▅▄ ▊█▉ ▌▆▄▋▅▌ ▋▌▉▊▄▌▋ ▇▇ ▇▊▇▄▉▌▌▉▆ ▅▊▅▉▆▆ ▄▉ ▋▅▅▇▇▊▅
▆▌▄▉▌ ▉▆▋▄▍▌ █▋▊▌ ▋▄▋▌▉▉▊▅▉▆▉▉▅▊▅▍▄▄▆▋▊.▋▆▋▊▍▌▄▊█ ▌▇▍▌▇▄ ▉█ ▅▉▊▊█▆▆▄ ▅▅▌▍ ▋██▌▆▄▌▄▆ ▊▋▉ ▉▅█▆▊▆▆
▄▌▉▍▋ ▊█▉ ▉▊▅▅ ▊▍▍▌ ▌▉▍▋▌▍ ▋█▅ ▆▇▅ ▉▋ ▍▉▌▍ ▋▆█▍▄
▇▍▄ █▇▌▄ ▇▄▉▄▄▆▆
▉▉▌▋▇ ▋▄▄█▆ █▇▍ █▆▅█▌▍▇▊ ▋▊▄▄▉█ ▉▆▍▉ ▆█▌█▆▊▆▌ ▋▅▋▌ ▆▇▆ ▄▄ █▌▍▌█▉ █▌▌ ▌▊▋▇ █▋▉▋▅ ▌▄▄ ▄▉▅▄▆
▄▆▅█▌▍▉ ▉▇▍▊▉▆▍▉ ▉▍▆▍▄▉██ ▋▍▍▉ ▍▄ ▅▅▄▄▌▄▅▌▉▊▆██▇▅▌▇▊▄█▋
▋▇▋ ▇▆▉▋█▉ ▍▇▊▉▅▋▊ ▉▇▌▇▋ █▉▋▉▄▅▇ ▍▊ ▆ ▉▉▆▇▌▆▋ ▉▉ █▇▄▋▌▋ (▍▅▇▅ ▌▇▅▄▄▇▋▄▋▅▇█▉▌▋▋▅)
▍▊▋ ▄▍▅▊ ▉▄▅▅▄▌▍ ▅▇▅▄▌▆ ▇▍▅ ▄▋▊▌▊█▉ █▉▆ ▌▇▅▅▆ ▇▄▌▍▅. ▌▋▉▄▍▆█▉█ ▆▍▌▍ ▉▋▆▇▆▍▅ ▉▋▊▋▄▉ ▄▅▍▊ ▌ ▇▇▌▆▆▆▊ ▌█ ▍
▇▋-▊█▊▉▇▄ ▋▄▍▊▌▇▄ █▌▅▌ ▄▍▆▊▍█▋ ▆▌ ▊▄▇▋▄▋ ▇▍▋▅▌
Snap repair bench skin picker to left when going from no item to an item
Don't change the order of skins when selecting a skin, only when changing item
Added client.sortSkinsRecentlyUsed to control sorting functionality, defaults to true
▋▇▅▇▇▅ ▄▉▄▆▆▋ ▇▋▉▇▋ ▄▊▅ ▆▄▋▆▍ █▍▋▆ ▄█ ▇▄▊▉▋▉▋▍▉▋ ▊▉▍▉▉▆▌
██-▊▌█▇▆▋ ▉▍▇ ▌▅▇▆▄▋▍ ▋▋▅▋ ▋▄▄▅▇▉█ ▋▊ █▆▅ ▆▌█▊▍▋ ▇▌▆▉▇ (▅▇▇▇▉▆▊▌▉ ▊▊ ▊▊▋▇▍▋ ▇▋▆▍▊▄, ▄█▉ ▄▍ ▄█▇'▉ ▅▊▍▌ ▍▅ ▌ ▉▄▊▊ █▊)
▆▄█▅▍▆ ▊▄▍▌▉▍ ▊▆▌▊▇ █▊▋ ▅▋▊▌▌▌▅▅ ▍▆ ▅▅▊▉▆▋▋▄▌▍ ▍█▄▌▄▊▍▌▇▇▉ █▋▅▄██▊▆▄ (▅▉▄▊ ▋█▇▅▄▅▍▆)
▆█▄▋▄ ▉▋▄▋ ▅▄█▇▅██ ▉▆▉▍▌▆▆▅▊▉ █▌█▊ ▇▊▌ ▉▉
▅▌▊▆▅ ▌▌▄█▇-▊▌▍▅▄ ▅▊▍▉ ▆▉▋▍
Switch jacket icon back to the original. It's not quite as nice but it matches the icons for the skins
▄▊▌█ ▇▇▄▄▍▌ ▊▋▅ ▄▆▊▄█ █▊▄▌ ▆▄▅▋▆
▉▋▌▋▍▊▋ ▉▊▋██▅ █▅▌ ▋▊▇█▊ ▄▋▄▌ ▋▊▆▍█▄▆▆▇▇▆▊
Update secondary net group while controlling RC entities (probably fixes disconnecting from RC drone)
Probably fix janky looking drone movement
Change market terminals to store the remaining time instead of an absolute timestamp