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4 Years Ago
Added an IOEntity child to the elevator to handle powered state Fixed some save/load issues
4 Years Ago
Merge from voiceprops
4 Years Ago
Don't decay boats for 45 minutes after use (up from 10 minutes)
4 Years Ago
Decrease deep water max to 12m
4 Years Ago
Fixed boats decaying at the wrong rate if the decay tick rate was changed from 60s
4 Years Ago
Decay all boat types when in deep water. New deepwaterdecayminutes parameter sets the max decay rate
4 Years Ago
Added shared BaseBoatDecay method, ready to add deep water decay
4 Years Ago
Can now be deployed on floor/foundation as well as floor frames Moved prefab position back to above pivot Update collider positions and other components based on new prefab position
4 Years Ago
Removed unused MotorBoat class
4 Years Ago
Refactoring platform code to use a new UserId type instead of direct ulong
4 Years Ago
█▉▄ █▋▉▋▄▉▉ ▋▍▍ ▍▇▋▉▊▉▌▌▍ ▍ ▄▅▄▅ ▋█ ▅ ▅▅▄▌█ ▉▌▆▅▇ ▌ ▌█▍▇▍▌▉▉▇ ▍▅ ▌▋██▊▍▆ ▊▇▄▊ ▇▇▊▍▄█▋▍ ▆█▅ ▄▍ ▉▍▋ ▅▆▉▅▄ ▆▄▆▆█▍ ▌▌ ▄█▍ ▋▅▄▊▋▄ ▋▅▋█▊ ▊▊▋█ ▍▋▆▄█ ▋▌▊▅▇▇ ▊▊█ ▌ ▄▆▍▆▆▌ ▉▆ ▄▅██ ▇▉▉█
4 Years Ago
Exception fixes
4 Years Ago
Fixed some core visibility issues Core layers now use instancing Clean up PixelChunk textures on exit stage
4 Years Ago
▍▋▍▌▇▌█▉▅█▉▊▌ ▇▆▍▆▋ █▊█▆█ ▄▌▅▉▌ ▉▋▄▇ ▌▋██▇ ▆▊▊▉▄ (▋▊▋▇▌█▆▄ & ▉▋▊)
4 Years Ago
▇█▆▉▍ ▄▍▄▄▄▋▌▅▌▉.▆▌▅█▆▇ ▄▆▊▋█ ▊▆ ▇▍▊▄█▋▄ ▇▉▉█▄▋▋▅▉▆ ███▅▌ █▇▍▍▊▇▅ ▉▌█▇▋▋ ▅▇▋██▋▅▋▆▊ ▇▉ ▉▌▊█ ▇▍▆▄ ██▇▅█▅▊ ▅▍▋▄▋▄ ▍▄▅▉ ▄▄▋▄ ▅▅▊▊█▄▉ █▅ ██▅▊▇▊▍ ▊▍▆▄▍▌ ▉▊▊█▊ ▌▉▍▆ ▍█▄▇ ▇▋█▄▄ ▅▋▌▆▉▊▇▊█▆
4 Years Ago
Missing reference in world setup
4 Years Ago
World setup / proc map edits.
4 Years Ago
Added GameManager.PerformancePrintPeriod Fix GameOver not appearing Fixed Stage_Fading not working correctly while paused Added "coroutine" bool to CallSubroutine
4 Years Ago
Added basic soundscript support for EmitSound global
4 Years Ago
rotation fix on lift bone, updated prefabs accordingly
4 Years Ago
subroutine issue test case
4 Years Ago
Added CanEnter and CanLeave to states. Only include states that can be entered when scoring weights. Added AIStateScore with some pre-defined weight bands and increments. BaseAIBrain.Debug.
4 Years Ago
Fixed MP3/OGG sounds being cached even when they don't exist/failed to load
4 Years Ago
▊▋▍▊▌▅▍▉ ▍▋▅▌▍▅▆ ▊▄▉ ▅▋▅▋▋▉▍ ▊▍▊▌▋▇ ▊▌▉ ▍▍▄█▍▍ ▌▆▍▉█▉█▇ ▆▊█▆█▅
4 Years Ago
fix pxc renderposition when setting unit pos volley & stream powerups, etc fix debug text warning
4 Years Ago
▊▅▉▆▍ █▄▉▋▄▊▆▊▅▌_█▆▇▅▄▌▇▇▌ ▋▇ ▆█▆▄▊▅▄ █▆▌ █▄▉ ▌▇▊▌▇█ ▋▋ ▇▄█▅▇▍▋ █▇▌▋▉ ▉▅▊▆ ▊▇▉ ▆▅▌▍▍▅▋▆▋▅ █▄█▍▊▍▇▌ (▍▆▆▆▄▌▄=▊)
4 Years Ago
Applied naviator shelved changesets
4 Years Ago
Applied GetBestRoamPosition changes
4 Years Ago
Reapply a ch47 fix from main in 54149
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
undo clientside sound precache
4 Years Ago
Substance Terrain graphs backup, annotated most graphs for other users Added Tier topologies functionality to monument graph
4 Years Ago
█▌▍ ▉▇██▉▋▄_▋▄▅▍ ▆█▌▇▌▍▋▇ ▄▄ ▍▆▇█▄ ▊▊▄▌▆
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
█▆▊▅█ ▊▉▉ █▇▇█▋▍▌▅▄▅ ▌▅▉▌▊▇▋ ▍▊ ▆▉▄▍▉ ▄▆▋█▅▆▌▅▊▍ (▅▅▅▍▇▅▅▄ ▄▌▊▊█ ▉▉▆ ▇█▄▇ ▄█▇▋█▉▅++, ▇▄▋ ▆▊▉▊▋▉▅▋▊ █▅█▄▅▌▇▌▅▌▌▌▇) ▅▇▌▊▋ ▇▉▌▍▋▄▆▉▍▅▌▌▄▄▊▌▉▆▊ ▇▆▍ ▅▊▍█▅▌▌▉▆▋▄▋▌ ▆▌█▇▇▋ ▉▌ ▅▍▇▌▌ ▆▉▉▅▆▆▉█▇▅
4 Years Ago
Update guide mesh
4 Years Ago
Better rotation socket mod check
4 Years Ago
Kill parenting volume if elevator is destroyed
4 Years Ago
Spawn a separate entity to parent players for smooth movement
4 Years Ago
Remove debug timing
4 Years Ago
Add up/down button support and call to floor support
4 Years Ago
Add a final RefreshColliderSize at the end of OnDisconnected
4 Years Ago
Switch CapsuleColliderInfo to a struct
4 Years Ago
Code Review: Take the slower but less bug-prone option and check collider info values instead of the object
4 Years Ago
Defer notification initialization until after resources are loaded (fixes possible race condition causing spurious "unknown server" modals)
4 Years Ago
Storage monitor device icon
4 Years Ago
Ensure blocks are the same rotation, some conditional model stuff
4 Years Ago
Remove now-unused default bounds
4 Years Ago
TryGetEntityBounds for the gizmo to use