248,616 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
skin approval
4 Years Ago
Snow/Rain/Lightning/Aurora groups Cleaned up temp file clutter Some renames for naming consistency
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
▇▍▌ ▆▄ ▄▊▋▋▍▉▉█ ▉▆ ▊▉▍█ ▆▄▆ ▍█▊▌▅▄▍▇▊▆ ▄▉ ▌▅ █▆█▄▍▉▊
4 Years Ago
▌▊▅▄▉▅▆ ▆▊ ▊▌▋▋▄ ▉▍▄▇▇
4 Years Ago
Fixed Secretlabs chair gib errors
4 Years Ago
Layout Display Flex Layout Layout Test
4 Years Ago
▆▌▄█▆▉▍ ▋▇ ▉▊▇▋▉█ ▅▌█ ▆▋▉▆
4 Years Ago
SpriteController now uses a renderer AnimatedSpriteController now uses a renderer Removed Drawable / Draw() methods Renderer creation cleanup
4 Years Ago
▆▆▊▄▇ ▋▄▋▄ ▋▅▌▇█▄▌▍▆▆▍
4 Years Ago
Fix occasional JS error when running menu in a browser further minor improvements to main menu UI on small screens
4 Years Ago
▆▊▆▉█ ▄▅▋▌▄▊▆▍█▊ ▊▅▄▅▅▄ ▆▊ ▊▌▋▆▄▋▍▋▅▌▇▄▌ ▌▋▅▉▌ ▇▄▆▉▅▉▄▆█ █▋▌▍ ▆ ▍▍▊▋▋▋▄ ▍▌▇█▇▊ ▇▋▋▇▌
4 Years Ago
▊▇▉▇▍ ▅▊▆▊▊▍ █▆▍▍ ▍▋▇▅ ▋▌▄█▇ ▋▄▇ ██▅ ▇▍█▇▊ ▋▄▄▍▍▄ ▄█▄▄ ▆▅▄▅ ▇▇▆▄▋ ▄▊▌▆▉▍ ▋ ▆▋▉▇▄▄▍ ▆▅▍▊ █▅ ▋▋▉▇ ▇█▌ ▇▇▅▋ ▄▌▋▆▄▍▋ (█▄▆▌.▇▍▋▄▆▆▌▄▇▊▌▌ ▄▆ ▅█▍▄.▄█▍▊▋▆▅▆▋▅▅▅▅█)
4 Years Ago
▊▋▅▍▄█▋▆█▍█▍▍ ▌▉▋▌▅
4 Years Ago
▅▄▌▅▉▆ ▆▋▉▇▅▋▊▇▆▇ ▆▋▅▇▋▋▇▍▊ █▉▌, ▆▆▍▊▄▆▇▋ ▆█ ▋█▆▌ ▍▍ ██▌▄▄▆▅▌ ▇▉▌▇▋▍█
4 Years Ago
▅██ ▋▊▉▇ ▋▇▉▋▅▆▇ ▌▅█▉ ▄▊ █▆▍▆ █▅ ▌▉▊▊▆▅
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
▄▌▄▇ ▋▋█▋▄ / ▌▆▉▌▆█▌
4 Years Ago
Merge from 26-08-20
4 Years Ago
Merge fix
4 Years Ago
█▍▍▊ ▇▅▄▆▊ ▋▄▆▋▋▇ ▍▇█▍ ▊▌▄▅▉▍▍▉█▆▊ ▇▌▆▅ ▌██▊ ▉█▍▌▍▅▋▆█▍ ▇▆▇▊▆▅██▌ █▊ █▊▉▍ ▄▇▆ ▍▊▌▌▉▋▌ ▉▋▍▅ ▍▋▋█'▉ ▅▍▆▋▉▅▊█ (▉▍▍▅▋▇▌▌▌▉ ▆▋▅█▊▊▌ ▋▇▉▆▍▋▍▍▄█)
4 Years Ago
s2p on everything
4 Years Ago
██▉▆██▅ ▆█▍▉▊█▊
4 Years Ago
Fixed tabulation on some HTML files
4 Years Ago
Vehicle exit anim 3rd person anim no longer sit good english yes Better default keys for Lamp & Light tool Saves/Dupes tabs resize properly UGC Pagination improvements Better handing of small screens for HTML UGC menus Minor under the hood changes for addons menu Hoverball tool improvements Better defaults new feature: Toggle on/off keybind Better placement with the toolgun Better rendering of the effects Added "Strength" to tooltip of the entity Added delay to Dynamite's tooltip
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
subtracting 54455 - multiple issues, merge to experimental once fixed
4 Years Ago
Minor under the hood changes for addons menu
4 Years Ago
Initial commit
4 Years Ago
Resizing spawnmenu Dupes/Saves tabs now properly updates the icons to fit within the new size
4 Years Ago
blue/red subtypes are affected by abilities item tooltips powerup/money spawning build !redux
4 Years Ago
Players are no longer in the sit animation in 3rd person when exiting vehicles
4 Years Ago
Undo changes to SWEP spawning
4 Years Ago
Merge from SecretLabChair
4 Years Ago
Merge from spacesuit
4 Years Ago
▊▉▉'█ ▉▄▇▋ ▌▅▍▉█▍ ▌▊▄▅▉ ▌▌▇▉▆ ▉▆ ▊▅▅▉▌▌▆▋ ▊▋▍█ ▄▍ ▇▊▇█▌▄▇
4 Years Ago
Merge from voiceprops
4 Years Ago
Prevent building layer fix
4 Years Ago
▄▋█▌▆█▄ ▆█▄▋ ▅█▇▋ ▋▋▆ █▋█▊▄ ▆ ▆▇▄▇ ▆▅▋▄▄▊ ▊▊ █▇█▆▄▌▊ ▅▇▇▇ ▊▉▍▆
4 Years Ago
▉█▋▊▋▉▉ ▋▇▋▄█ ▋▌▄ ▅▇▊█▇▆█▍
4 Years Ago
▄▅▄▇▇▊ ▅▅ ▆▇▇▊ ▄▇▇▉ ▍▄ █▍▅ ▅▋▉▄▄▇▄▋▉ ▄▉▆ ▊▍▉▌▄
4 Years Ago
▉▌▇▅▌ ▌▊▊▄ ▍▉▌▇
4 Years Ago
▄▉▊▍█ ▍▆▅▍ ▊▌▄▊
4 Years Ago
Compile fixes
4 Years Ago
Fixed some lod/culling issues on the cables
4 Years Ago
█▊▉ ▇▄▇▌▊▊▉ ▊▋▊▋▌▇▌▍ ▆▍█▍▌▋▉ ▌▄ ▍▇▉▅▆▆█▅ ▇▊▉▆▆▋▍▊, ▇▊▆▍▉▍▍██ ▅▄█-▉▋▋▋▆▇▌▇▄▇
4 Years Ago
Elevator will now adjust the lift position if a piece of the elevator shaft is removed that causes the lift position to become invalid
4 Years Ago
▇▄▅▌ ▅▉▍▊▇
4 Years Ago
▌▋█ ▊▋▊▉▅▆▇ █▇ ▉▅▋▉▉▄ ▅▌▄ ▅▇▋ ▆▍█▅▉▅▄█ ▍█▅▆▆▉▋ ▉█▄ ▌▄▄▉▍ ▉▊▉▅▄▍█...
4 Years Ago
Prevent "Look rotation viewing vector is zero" complaints from hot air balloon, minicopter, scrap transport helicopter