223,525 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

1 Year Ago
Scene asset tweaks
1 Year Ago
NMS Map scene
1 Year Ago
disabled pile of crates that was left visible over burn pile S2P
1 Year Ago
fixed static security door shadow proxy mesh transform differing from visual mesh
1 Year Ago
Added HLOD to NMS scene S2P
1 Year Ago
added some HLOD tags to some props, tweak o some props distance culling
1 Year Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #2401
1 Year Ago
Diesel engine files update
1 Year Ago
Quarry Deployable -Attached the engine to the quarry deployable prefab -Reformed some parts to align with the engine -Fixed some flaws in the mesh -Dilation and texture background average color -Enabled crunch compression for the textures
1 Year Ago
Additional client-side visible changes on the heli when in a safe zone
1 Year Ago
Fixed some of the small monitor UI clipping
1 Year Ago
Animgraph: Allow state machine to transition at a random time between https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b2011b1/sbox-dev_Me4oLBw6HB.mp4
1 Year Ago
Prevent using attack heli guns in safe zones
1 Year Ago
Missile pods now show damage texture
1 Year Ago
Attack heli gib behaviour improvement
1 Year Ago
Merge from /nms
1 Year Ago
If UpgradeItem gets destroyed before its tooltip is gone, delete the tooltip
1 Year Ago
Fixed ItemSelect mouse click bugginess, added keyframe anims when hovering over upgrades
1 Year Ago
Scene backups 1
1 Year Ago
▅▆▌▇▌▆▍ ▍▄▆▌▉▋▊▄ & ▇▇▋▉▇ ▊▄▍▆▉▋ ▉▌█ ▆▇▉ ▅▋▄▇▄▍ █▋ ▄▅▌ █▇█▊▋▇
1 Year Ago
Split staging into two seperate projects
1 Year Ago
Fix server compile
1 Year Ago
Rick mode cheat Fix line of sight test Perimeter patrol ent & duty work Fix pesky hang 😩
1 Year Ago
Refactor ItemToolTip to be created as a child of our game's root panel, not the item panel - fixes all z position bullshittery
1 Year Ago
adjusted blink effect
1 Year Ago
Adjust UpgradeItem box-shadow Use UpgradeItem in ItemSelect
1 Year Ago
Fix player rendering on restart added spike head gib updated blood pool particle Updated zombie death effect + added test blob particle Adjusted emerge particle adjusted explosion particle
1 Year Ago
Re-added scrolling to player tooltip's upgrades list
1 Year Ago
Added player avatar to player tooltip, redesigned to be inline
1 Year Ago
Remove unused prefab on AH
1 Year Ago
Remove unused cannon turret prefab
1 Year Ago
Prevent permanently modifying the base attack heli compass material while using gunner view (Version Control Hates Him)
1 Year Ago
▇█▋▉▍▌ ▅███▆▇ ▋▍▍▆▌▋▆▆▍ ▍▋▋ ▆█▇▌ ▌▋▉▄▍█▉ ▌▆ ▄▅▇▄▉█▄█▄▆
1 Year Ago
Update DeathScreen style
1 Year Ago
Clamp gunner input angles again on the server side
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Use UpgradeItem component in DeathScreen
1 Year Ago
fix warning
1 Year Ago
MaxVisClusters 1024 -> 4096 this should be better for large maps
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Sort recent files in reverse, so newest floats to the top of list
1 Year Ago
added blink effects and sounds (pretty bad ones)
1 Year Ago
RefreshGunState fix double-up
1 Year Ago
Added blink upgrade
1 Year Ago
NV Scientist secondary light additions. Minor related mat tweaks.
1 Year Ago
added grenade model
1 Year Ago
Added a connecting room between the airlock and admin office to make the level a bit less linear Made an attempt at fixing terrain violation near the exit
1 Year Ago
Added head emerge effect
1 Year Ago
Fixed NVScientist mask emissive not being like in the cinematic branch. Optimized some texture sizes and params.
1 Year Ago
Updata protos with default TOD value for backwards compatibility
1 Year Ago
Updata protos with default TOD value for backwards compatibility