
97,027 Commits over 3,653 Days - 1.11cph!

2 Years Ago
merge from reflex 1.6 update
2 Years Ago
merge from ice_ak_fix
2 Years Ago
merge from footstep_bug_fix
2 Years Ago
directional driver reaction anims, updated animator with reaction layer
2 Years Ago
Possible fix for footstep bug
2 Years Ago
SE progress
2 Years Ago
Don't allow door reskinning if a player cannot open the door due to a lock (as well as TC auth)
2 Years Ago
▍▇▄▄▇█ █▅▊▉▅▊▍▍▇ ▄▄▉▉▆▍▅▆ ▉▌▄▋ ▊▍▋▆▍▌▊▋▅▉ ▇▆▋▇▊▊▇▍ (▅▅▋ ▋▄▉▊▅▅▌ ▌▅ █▅▆▊▋▅▍▇ ▅▌▆▅▆ █▋▆▋ ▍▇█▍ ▊▋▌▄▍▌▆ ▉▋▊ ▌▍ ▄▄▅ ▍▄▉█▋▄▋▆ ▌▉█▊▋▇ █▆▉▇▅ ▌▇▇▊▌▆▋▋█▆ █▅▆ ▇▉▇ ▋▇▌▋▌▌█▍██▆█▅ ▇▇▆▊▌ ▅▋ ▊█▋ ▅▍▆▇▄ █▇▆▆▅▄)
2 Years Ago
WIP submarine stat
2 Years Ago
Disable timeouts and colour tints for easier testing
2 Years Ago
Adding a cinematic only version of studio light projector for paddy
2 Years Ago
Additional dialogue anims + scared mocap clip. Updated anim controller.
2 Years Ago
Add a stat for activating the excavator
2 Years Ago
Add a stat for killing players with MLRS rockets
2 Years Ago
Add stat for killing sharks with spears
2 Years Ago
Merge compile fix
2 Years Ago
Merge from main
2 Years Ago
Cherry pick 66688 66820 66873 from media_projects (relative knob binding)
2 Years Ago
Add a comment so plastic lets me merge
2 Years Ago
Merge from main
2 Years Ago
▉▄█▅▆▊▇▄█▌ ▌▊▊▉▋▋█▇▄▆▉ ▊▆▆▅▉▆ ▉▍▆▉▅▉▆▉ ▇▊▄▅▉▉▊ ▇▇ █▆▄█▍▊ █▉▅▉ ▆▌▌▆▄▋█▌▅▆▇ ▊▄▇▄█▅█▆▉▋▍ ▇▍▌ ▌█▌ ▉▆▌▍▄▄▍▊ ██▍█▄▊▉▅ ▍▋▆▊ ▇▉▉ ▍▇▉▋▇▉ ▍▇▆▆▉▇▌█▇▉▍ ▇▇▍▊ █▋█▅▇▅▍▄▊ ▋▉▄▋▌▊█ ▇▊▅▉▄▋▆▉ ▇▋▊▊▆ ▆▇▍▊▍█▉ ▅▊▍ ▇▄▇▊▉▄▆▅▉▊▄▊ ▋▅ █▉▋▉▌▌▊█▆▌ ▇█▉█▋ ▇▄▇▋ ▊▌█▋ ▅▊█ ▄▉▅▍▅▊▉▋▅▇▋ (▄▆▌▇▌▋ █▆▄ ▉▌▇▆▊▋ ▍▄▇▍)
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
▅█▆▋▍ ▋▆▄█ ▍▄▅▊ - ▆▉▋▋█▉▄ █▋▉, ▊▉▆▉ ▊▉▇▊▍▅▌ ▍▊█▅██ ▆▆▆█▍ ▅▊▅▇ ▉▉▇█▆▄▇
2 Years Ago
█▇▇▆▌ ▉▄▉ ▊█▍▊▌▊▊█▌▅ █▇▉▄ ▇▆▌▋▉
2 Years Ago
█▋▍▌▍▌▅ ▉▇▊ (█▅█▉▆▅▍▌▇▊ ▆▉▄▉ ▊█_▋ ▄▄▄▇▊)
2 Years Ago
SE sculpts / backup
2 Years Ago
▌▌▌▆▉ ▆▌▄ ▍▉ ▆▋▇▄▅▆▋ ▄▆█▌ ▌██ ▇█▆▅ ▆▊▆▌▇ ▉▋▅█▍▇ - ▊▄▌ ▇▅▊▊ ▉▍▆▍▅▍▋▌ ▊▄▇ █ ▌▄▄▊▋▇?
2 Years Ago
South of Site B progress
2 Years Ago
▋▋▄▇▋ ▋▄▄█ ▄▆▊▊
2 Years Ago
Fix CargoPlane not saving - protobuf code was stomped in a merge
2 Years Ago
▆▌▍▋█ ▅▋▉▅ ▍▄_▇
2 Years Ago
Directory changes
2 Years Ago
Merge from main
2 Years Ago
Merge from main
2 Years Ago
Scene backups
2 Years Ago
Back on Hapis. Final inland cliffing south of Site-B, WIP
2 Years Ago
merge from main
2 Years Ago
▄▋▇▅█▄▌▍▆.▉▆▅▆▆▉▉▋ █▆▋▋█ ▄▅▊▄▉ ▊▋ ▄▅▌ ▄▉██▍▄ ▌▄ ▌▇▊▌▊-▅▊█▉ / ▍▋▌▅▄▄▉▊▅ (█▇█▆▆ ▆▇ █▄▊▋▄ ▉▊▊▆▌ █▌▆ ▉██▅▅▋ ▇▇▊▍▉ ▍▌▌▊ ▉▉ ▊▄▇█ ▆▄▍▊██▄▆ ▍▅ ▉▊█▉▍'▍ ▇ ▄█▍▍▋▄▅ ▌▆▊▄▄▊, ▆▇█ ▋▇██▉▊▇ ▆▅▋▋▍▆ ▇▆ ▊ ▉▆▉▊█▉ █▄▌)
2 Years Ago
merge from main
2 Years Ago
▊▄▅▊▅▄▊ ▍▇▊█▊ ▆▍▇▉▄▉▌▉▊▉ ▇▉▄▋ ▋▋▇▅ ▆▉▊ ▅▌▋▋ ▅▅▍▉▌█▄▅ / ▄▅▅▍▌▌▊▉▌▌ ▄▊▉▊█▆▍▊▅: ▇▌▄▄▄ ▉▌▌█▌▍▌▅▇█▄▉▊▋ █▆▊▄▌▇▋ ▅▆▉▋▊▊▆ (▇▊▇▄▅ ▄▇▄▄▅▊▌▄▍▇▅▉▌▊▅▅▌▊▋▅▋▆) █▊▇▋▅▇▉ ▋▊▄▍█▉▇█▆ ██▍▇▋▋▄▍▌▄█▅█▍▉▌█▌▍█▋█ ███▆ ▊▄▊▇ ▄▋▋▉▅▇▆▇█ ▊▉▇▌▄▍█ ▇▊█▅▄▋█ ▄▉▄▍█▌▉▅▄▇▉▄▊▇▍▌▆▊▄▇▆▌ ▇▊▇ ▉▄▌▍▊▉▆▇▇▊▄▅█ ▋▉▌▉▉▄ ▇▄▆▄ ▇▌▆█▄▇▅▅▆
2 Years Ago
Delay reflection probe update during muzzle flashes
2 Years Ago
▊█▋▆ ▆▆▋ ▍▄▍▍▄▌▌▍▇▅ ▇▋▋█▄ ▄▌▌█▄█▋ ▉▉▄▌ ▅▅▋▄▋ ▋▌▄▇▇▌▅▆█ ▅ ▋▉▊▋▄██▉ █▌▇▌ ▆▆▅█▇ ▌▆▋ ▋▆▆▇ ▉▍▋▄▋▆▋▉▍ ▍▋▅ ▍▌▄█▋▊▆▆█▍▉, ▋▅▌█ ▆▄▋██▇ ▆▅▅ ▊▇▋▅▄▋▌▆▉ ▍▉▉▌▌▄▄ ▍▍▍▉▇▍▍ ▍▋▉▉▆▉▆▌ ▊▊ ▌▋▇ ▌▄▅▊▅▇▅▅▆▍ ▇▆▋▇▉▇▆▊▋▊▇
2 Years Ago
Fixed NRE when opening arctic pack hero ad
2 Years Ago
▉▆▍██ ▋▍▍ ▉█▄▍▅▌ ▅▌ █▌▊▆▌▄ ▇█ █▍▊▍ ▊▇▄▄ ▆▄▋▉, ▋▄▄▉▍▅ ▄▇'▄ ▋▅▄▇ ▄▅ ▍▅▉▊█▍█▍▉ ▅▍▆▆▇▍▋ ▄▄▊▄█▋▅▆▊ (▄▄█▋▋▉▊▊▅ ▅▌▊█▇▊▇ ▅▉▇▍▍▌▍▄ ▄▄▄▋▄ ▋▅ ▄▇▍▇ ▍▍▅ ▋▉▇▊▄'▅ ▅▅▊▊ ▄▋▆▆ ▋▆ ▋▆ ▄█▊▋▉▍▉▇) ▍▌▆ █ ▍▊▇▍▋▋ ▊▆▋▋ ▌▍ ▇▇ ▋▆█▍▇ ▄▆▄ ▍▉▉▄▄█ ▄▊▅▇ ▌▆▊▇▇▇█▍▊█ ▉▆ ▉ ▋▇▅▆▆▍ ▄█▆ ▆▌ ▋▌█▊▋▆▆▄▊▉ (▄▅▊▇ ▍▅█ ▇█▋▉▊▍ ▋▊▌▆ ▋▋▅▌▊ ▄▋▉█ ▍▌ ▆█▆█)
2 Years Ago
▌▆▄ ▍▇▊▌█ ▋▌▌█ ▇▅ ▆█▉█ █▉▍▇ ▅▄▌█▊ ▊▋ ▋ █▅ ▇▌▇▆ ▍▆▌▉▉▆▄▉▇ ▊▋ ▍▊▅▇▋▄▅ ▆█ ▄▍▅▍▄▅▊▍ ▇▊▄█▌ ▄█▆ ▉▌▍▊▇ ▊▋▅▊▊▍▉▇ ▋▅ ▆▊▌▅▍▅▍█
2 Years Ago
merge from main
2 Years Ago
▋▄▆ ▄ ▉▅▄█ ▆▇▍▇▉▄█ ▍▌ ▄▇▍█ ▇█▊█▌▅▅ ▊█ ▄▅▋▋▍▄ ▊▉▆▆ ▉▅ ▋▅▆▄▇▌▆▊▍▍▅ ▇█▇▉▉▊ ▊▄▌▋▋▇▋▉▋▅
2 Years Ago
▋█▌'▊ ▊█▅█▍ ▊█▋▅▄ ▄▊ ▄▋ ▆▅▅▍▅▍▆▉█ ▍▄ ▌▆▉ ▍▋▆▍▍▆ ▌▅▍▉▉ ▌▅ ▇▋▌▄ ▇▊▄▋ ▍▄▌ ▇▌█▄ ▍▆▇▄▇▌▌█ ▌▄ ▊▌ ▌▅▆▉ ▇▆▋ ▌ ▌▉▌ ▋▅▆▌ ▄▊█▊ (▅▋▌▅▋ ▆▉▉▇▉▆▄▍ ▊▌▅▉▋█ ▉▄▅▉ ▆▇▇ ▊▌▅, ▍▋▋▇ █▉▄▄ ▍█ ▇▌▋█▇▊ ▉▌▄▇▄▇▆▆ ▍▊▄▆▉)