115,225 Commits over 3,959 Days - 1.21cph!
missing changed steam categories
Workaround for issue caused by a hack in BaseProjectile
Fixed RendererLOD property drawer multi editing bug
procmap_debug test level - test bed for roadside wrecks backup
colliders read/write spam fix
more LS/Powerplant debug
shopkeeper item throw fix needed a second S2P because nested
Scene 2 prefab - prefabs only
More debugging to track down an aiming issue
repainted forest toplogy on swamps - slight rework on monument topology on swamp_c (the one with trail connections)
Windows RustNative update (for some reason it didn't properly update with the merge from wipe_1?)
Fixed transmission towers sometimes spawning too close to road
Place telephone poles after roadside substations (fixes floating telephone poles)
Poker game inputs now reset the player idle timer on the server. Don't kick players just because they sat playing poker for thirty minutes!
MT - More progressive environment volumes when entering/leaving tunnel entrance
Attempt to fix collision leaving entering some caves
Fixed Powerplant puzzle wires floating
Fixed Sat dish offset on a dish3 LOD0
Added glass colliders to static workcart
Cliffs and micro cliffs now check for powerline topology on top of road topology
Roadside vehicles use aiobstacle to prevent animals running through them, also use terrain filters in an attempt to do collision detection when spawned
Oilrig interior mesh uses the correct collider, import settings were incorrect for it, lengthened underwater pipes
Attempt to prevent thrown items falling into shops at bandit camp
LS - reworked terrain to make it cooperate with the underground tunnels better
WTP - reworked terrain to help with fallen objects, fixed a gap with sewers tunnels that could lead to antihack kicking in
Fixed missing open and close sounds on static repair table too
Fixed missing open and close sounds on static research table
Fixed "Rechargable" typos
Reduced large furnace bounds
Fixed Wind Turbine excessive bounds
Fixed Wind Turbine deployment underwater
Potential incorrect material gib fix
loot barrels gibs material override review
Reworked process for getting attack input (for selecting a gesture) while a ui that blocks attack input was active
Enabled gestures on card table seats
Fixed being able to open gestures while inventory or crafting menu was open
Lower sort order of card table UI to 30 (was 100)
Fix local player's cards being hidden
Don't show cards at the end of a round except for the winner in a showdown
Enabled read/write on the gambling lamp since the LOD3 is used as a mesh collider. Fixes the "RuntimeNavMeshBuilder: Source mesh gambling_lamp_LOD3 is skipped..." errors on every server start.
Merge PlayerSeed fix to Main. Fixes PlayerSeed console command not handling Steam IDs correctly. Also now supports using a name instead of a seed.
Foliage displacement improvements
Workshop scene rework - cleanup
Tweaked min/max sizes for birch and beech trees. They should be slightly bigger now
Reorganized temperate trees / oaks will no longer spawn in forests but only on fields / moved smaller trees into forestside folders
Include type field in smart alarm notification data
Add targetId and targetName fields to team login and death notifications
Cleaned up new spawn populations
60334 L96 Specular setup
Workshop scene rework - progress backup
Fixed SpawnHandler.Refresh not working right
Adding old CraggyIsland back for programmers, artists, use the HD version
renamed CraggyIsland to CraggyIsland_HD
added water culling volume at trainyard
sphere tank minor tweaks to barrel spawner