116,335 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
[D11] Set up LOD Group components on various assets
Silly Unity reverting light intensities & render distances for no reason
Remove the recent chatter stuff to simplify - it's not really needed since adding the chat menu anyway.
Move mute list innit to bootstrap.
[D11] [UI] Fixed item notifications not appearing on right side.
[D11] + structures\dredge LOD Group adjusted
[D11] + structures\conveyor_belt LOD Group adjusted
Fixed RustText not getting localized on awake
Fixed translated main menu options overlaying the contents
Removed Translate.OnLanguageChanged list
Removed ILanguageChanged
Can toggle main menu pages off
[D11] + structures\awnings mesh occludee added and LOD Group altered
[D11] [UI] Adjusted Server Chat colour slightly.
[D11] Art optimisation pull - 1833 changes
[D11] Prefabs/Misc LODs + Structures/Dredge LODs
[D11] Fixed Spherical Tank prefab
[D11] Industrial_Doors_Static LODS and Interactable Garage Door LODs
[D11] + structures\walkways roughly half converted to LOD Group
[D11] Added vertex shader LODs to Structures\Harbor
Converted remaining std materials to lit base
Hunch: Newtonsoft IL2CPP doesn't like nullable datetime
Censorship options on prefabs
[D11] Military Tunnel Signs LOD's
[D11] Vertex shader LODs added to assets from Prefabs\Clothes
Garage Door LOD upto LOD3 with the lowest LOD using vertex colours
Account message fixes
Language popup fix
Fixed finger cursor position offset
[D11] Office Interiors LOD's
[D11] + structures\Storm Drain LOD Group adjusted
[D11] [UI] Inventory title headers update when inventory slots are changed (items moved, dropped, etc).
[D11] +Structures\Tunnels LOD Group adjusted, one LOD Group Conversion
▆▉▇▍ ▇▅▌▋▍▍▍▋ (▇▅▌ ▇▉▊▉▇▍▍ ▉▅█, █▆▉▉ ▆▋▋▇▆ ▊▊▄▇▍▊ ▉█▊▌▌▅▆▋)
resource LOD's, added up to LOD3 and added vertex colours onto the third LOD
Bits of cleanup, workshop setup
[D11] [UI] OSK is now cancelled when controller is disconnected so that the popup is clearly visible alerting the player of the disconnection.
41647 fixes
[D11] + Remainder of structures/timber_mine LOD's adjusted.
+ Added in the prefab replacement script
merged from main to get recent team fix changes, fixed merge issues