116,364 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
[D11] Issue 2882 fix (Scene file/scene to prefab)
[D11] + Vertex Material change
rebuilt locker lootpanel changes, exported properly with scene2prefab this time
[D11] Industrial Structures folder
[D11] Makes pool shrinker #ifdefable.
Support for BoneRetarget components.
Added hd/lit matching alpha clipping support to custom lit base shaders
Modified ASE Lit shader template to allow Alpha Clipping toggling via material Surface Options instead of shader
Added custom material inspector CustomLitShaderGUI (+ dependency exposure from hdrp)
Players can now push vehicles to right them when flipped, or just give a car a shove in neutral
Removed superfluous RefreshVisibleModels call
Finished particle accum support in lit base shaders
Added particle accum specular SF
Moved shader funcs to Rust category
Fixed dodgy floating-point precision causing vehicle sockets to not always be found successfully on the client
Can now right-click move engine modules to vehicle sockets
Don't show damage FX on destroyed modules
Add back placeholder destroyed models for the two modules that lost theirs
Remove the two temporary test modules
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Merge from Main -> Vehicles
[D11] Adds hook to shrink all pools on client disconnect.
[D11] Adds prefab pool shrinking system
Fixed sampler referencing on blend4way shaders
Game-side changes to support exposed MeshRenderer mesh ptr, remove MeshFilters during prefab preprocessing
Don't try to send notifications if disabled, use DebugEx if it fails
[D11] Cache cleanup WIP ... Changes entityEntry & groupEntry from structs to classes to avoid extra dictionary lookups.
Fixed LitWire shader not fading properly + added smoothness control (atten. by alpha)
Updated cable mat
[D11] Entity cache cleanup... work in progress.
[D11][UI] Cosmetic and changes to vending machine and shop front loot panels
Only send team notifications to offline team members
merge from LOD_Optimizations
Scene backup.
File cleanup & naming consistency.
New backup generator lightbox kitbash.
Added AO channel to foliage shader via tint mask
More folaige tweaks
Fixed a few billboards I missed previously
tweaked guitar position in prefab