112,069 Commits over 3,928 Days - 1.19cph!
Fixed flashlight missing LOD materials
Updated post process stack and fixed AO compile issues
Updated main camera prefab
[D11] Latest VoIP changes
Cherry picked
32502 (hair morph opts)
[D11][Tutorial] fix for empty action
[D11][UI] Connected players screen updateds mute options for server side muteing
[D11] [UI] added a couple of icons to the connections sheet
Merge from skin_unloading
#1718 Changed "Blow The Bloody Doors Off" achievement/trophy to "Little Pig, Little Pig, Let Me In." for compliance.
updates to MGL 3p relax poses & override controller
Map is snappier
Map Grid doesn't look like shit
Map shows surrounding sea
Tooltips show faster
#1663, #1692, changed 'Pants' to 'Trousers' in EN-UK, tyypo fixes.
[d11] Server command everyoneowner ( bool ) so don't have to do ownerid stuff
NPC vis fallback immediate set; forced always visible + tiny opt
Player vis fallback immediate set w/o visThink
[D11] Fix for bug#1022 reflected geometry
Various FBX meta file auto upgrades to 2019.1
Disabled ShaderIncludePath in post processing standard assets (obsolete / unsupported on 2019.1, let's see if this breaks something)
Upgraded DepthOfField to 2019.1
Upgraded BeamGeometry from VolumetricLightBeam to 2019.1
[D11][Tutorial] missing single player scene
[D11][Tutorial] merge from d11_console_version #
M249: Converted metallness maps to specular, removed old maps no longer needed.
[D11] Quick hack to force the fog to stay at 0 whilst the scattering is disabled
[D11][UI] Added Options for local text chat muting for all players and altered individual muting. UI side of voice chat muting set up.
m249 fbx .meta change which should fix some odd shading skinners are seeing.
[D11] Geiger sounds should now be working again (screen FX still disabled)
[D11] [Audio] Experimental checkin to test how the spatial sounds work without custom scripts interfering.
[D11] [Audio] Experimental checkin to test how the spatial sounds work without custom scripts interfering.
Fixed some issues with skin unloading
Added itemskinunload convar (currently disabled by default)
Only run skin reset / apply on entities that have a model (i.e. not held entities)
Tweaks and fixes to flares and lightGroupAtTime
[D11] [Audio] Adds Putsons new loading loop
[D11] [Audio] Adds Putsons new loading loop
Updated M39 material to specular workflow (for skins)
[D11] Craft complete sfx on PS4/XB1 - fix for "Loading" displaying after cancelling sign in - compile fix
Scene backup.
Related prefab changes.
Easter Basket model, world model and lods, materials etc
Fix for using non-D11 Unity build