111,298 Commits over 3,928 Days - 1.18cph!
Attempt at fixing impostor instancedata NRE
Moved impostor batching code
Fixed errors due to missing meshes
Fixed server compile
Fixed fallback
Fixed culling visibility toggle delay
[D11] Ping fix and exception fix
Moved all tree impostors to Impostor layer
Fallback to slow path when instancing unsupported
Added impostor renderer for fast cpu-side drawing + attached to main camera
Updated impostor shader to support indirect instancing
Updated LODComp, RendererLOD and TreeLOD to support fast path
Created Impostor layer; enabled by default in camera (fallback)
removed old unused ao and metalness textures for l96
Updated some spawn point at military tunnels.
Scene2Prefab Military Tunnels.
Movement rules for scientists (stay close to spawn, etc).
Fixed repair bench UI pooling issues
Update lootpanel prefab scene
L96 RGBa texture - moving from Rust standard to Core shader (can't seem to find the material change in plastic)
Bandit guards don't like players sleeping for too long.
Bandit guards don't like smoke grenades being thrown.
Bandit guard hostility tweaks.
swamp trees billboard mats tweaks
RUST-187 - oak_e missing billboards
scene updated
corn and pumpkin harvest time increased
health over time takes much longer to convert into health
!cctv password assignment
New scientist AI supports sampling multiple positions when navigating.
Misc AI tweaks.
Fixed pivots on anchor conveyor and mast
Added anchors
Prefab pool warmup tweaks
Able to place deployables on repair bench shelf
Prefab pool warmup tweaks
Cargo ship hull and deck progress
Cargo ship anchor conveyor materials
Cargo ship anchor conveyor machine
More tweaks to Scientist AI.
Pool all loot panels, see if that works
Removed editor debug vis.
Misc Scientist AI tweaks.
Added simplified deck stairs colider
Fixed mast issues
display hull and deck LODs further
doors placement
cargo ship scene2prefab
cargo ship interactive door prefab/model
Fixed severe stuttering caused by ambience emitter removal
cargo ship door LODs and prefab
scene2prefab cargo ship