224,004 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
Sky light entity with default cubemap
7 Years Ago
fixing booster portrait
7 Years Ago
getting last rev
7 Years Ago
gas_station splat polish
7 Years Ago
repel bullets shake & vibrate pattern shoot delay modifier pattern forward spread modifier
7 Years Ago
gas_station polish
7 Years Ago
Tweaked sit by fire warmth need curve in warmth goal plan to try and stop people sitting at fires when they don't need to (left the sit by fire plan in Idle module, since we want that as a fallback) Added a FireFuelCapacityConsideration to try and prevent people filling up fires too aggressively, should score lower the more "full" the fire is (first pass, could probably use some tweaking)
7 Years Ago
more flag stuff
7 Years Ago
Added a toggle to log any flag changes on the debug tool
7 Years Ago
Merged from main
7 Years Ago
toilet furniture LODs/COLs/Prefabs & textures gas station level update
7 Years Ago
Crafting wip
7 Years Ago
Fixed the warning spam
7 Years Ago
Merge vis changes into Bill's branch too
7 Years Ago
Merge character visibility improvements and fixes
7 Years Ago
▋▋▉▋█▍ ▋▄ ▊▇▍▋▄ ▅▄▌▉▄ ▆▊
7 Years Ago
More vis work
7 Years Ago
Hit indicators work again
7 Years Ago
Disabled What's New screen again
7 Years Ago
improved the muzzle effects for the m2 bradley firing ( cannong / coax gun )
7 Years Ago
Bug fixing
7 Years Ago
Player vis work
7 Years Ago
pattern num volleys modifier only negative bullets cause danger slowdown and push
7 Years Ago
pattern rotation speed modifier param slowmo bullet adds invuln, invuln only blocks negative hit effects pattern num bullets in volley modifier
7 Years Ago
fixed another issue with pattern starting rotation improved slowmo bullet effect force octopus purple bullet pattern
7 Years Ago
Player instigated GPVs get double momentum Buildings no longer require construction (data change, testing)
7 Years Ago
Remove everything except for post proc from bootstrap (needs content cooked)
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
fixed NRE when "spawn bradleyapc" command is used updated helicopter explosion debris to not be large untextured brown sticks updated helicopter damage effect to not be large untextured brown sticks helicopter gun muzzle flashes now aim towards target instead of always aiming straight up updated helicopter explosion fireballs
7 Years Ago
Action break/end call refactor, should make for cleaner, more useful call stacks
7 Years Ago
Add dummy light and light_spot hl1 entities
7 Years Ago
Directional, point and spot light entities. Add directional light to map builder
7 Years Ago
UI fix
7 Years Ago
bring dispenser item to fire should write the fire as a machine and not a building
7 Years Ago
Move worldspawn ent to hl1
7 Years Ago
Add basic flying movement to map builder so it actually does something
7 Years Ago
Moved role weight change out for Agent+Behaviour callback and into AbilityCommand & InteractionCommand
7 Years Ago
Build fix Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
7 Years Ago
few more bugs
7 Years Ago
Added sandbox gamemode dummy classes
7 Years Ago
Increased shooter dmg 4->5
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
messed with movement/animations a bit, raised kill floor, add interact indicator, UI controllable with gamepad, etc.
7 Years Ago
Moved playermodel to rust addon Path fixes Sandbox addon not alwaysload
7 Years Ago
null check and warning for Behaviour when trying to apply skill gain
7 Years Ago
Fixed not filtering warning Addons tab Addon info backend Use Active, not SetActive Removed PrimaryAddon logic Flipped UpdateAddonState logic the right way up Enable gamemode addon only when starting game Don't NRE forever on failed to load gamemode BaseEntity class name (we want to create a managed counterpart for every native actor) Send ServerInfo on join server, allowing proper gamemode selection Gamemode selector OnUnregister instead of UninitializeComponent source of ActorDestroyed Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame Cycle HUD input in engine, so we can still escape to menu if gamemode fails to load
7 Years Ago
Chest slot fix.
7 Years Ago
Alignment fixes. Material warning fix.
7 Years Ago
Reverted ItemIcon.cs because it messes with mah UI slots.
7 Years Ago
renamed a confusingly named behaviour chain element variable