223,937 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
Removed incorrect use of stale CDialog in Hammer model browser - model browser no longer sometimes freezes
7 Years Ago
fix for server log not showing. added player.stats to show players online, games in progress and total games played
7 Years Ago
Changed C4 back to 10/10 seconds timer
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
updated props 1/2
7 Years Ago
Fixed progress not being called for Http.getJson
7 Years Ago
Rocket factory LOD/COL/Prefabs
7 Years Ago
Merge from texture packing
7 Years Ago
undid keybind thing
7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
Restored shader lods on packed standard
7 Years Ago
Prefab fix
7 Years Ago
Cloud overlay camera, related tweaks
7 Years Ago
Packed first material for testing, building/materials/generic/atlas_wood_stone_metal
7 Years Ago
Compile fix (server)
7 Years Ago
Subtracting 21321
7 Years Ago
Fixed rotations of cloud layer renderers
7 Years Ago
Removed a redundant cast from divide
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
scene cliffside topo rock tweaks
7 Years Ago
More clouds
7 Years Ago
Temperate biome has more stone nodes, less metal + sulfur nodes (arid + arctic biomes remain unchanged)
7 Years Ago
hqm bonus is now 2, relax schema
7 Years Ago
More clouds stuff
7 Years Ago
merge into main
7 Years Ago
skin approval
7 Years Ago
Latest data
7 Years Ago
Map view cloud layer surrounding mesh generation, byte array, texture update via LoadRawTextureData
7 Years Ago
Upload sales data tool
7 Years Ago
Grenade tweaks
7 Years Ago
Dressing backup, splat painting
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
Cleaned some debug logs
7 Years Ago
chnagedcost of mining quarry (5000w,1500mf,6gear,4sheet) metal nodes only gives metal sulfur nodes only gives sulfur stone nodes only give stone increased stone yield from stone node added finishing bonus to nodes (around 20%) when using proper tools metal node has a single HQM finishing bonus
7 Years Ago
Default packed material foldout set to hidden
7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
Added getLoadProgress() to ILoadable and ILoader
7 Years Ago
Finished first stage of pbr standard base layer packer Added extra functionality to ImageUtil + raw data workflow
7 Years Ago
InfluenceAndTerritory.InfluenceMap exposed as InfluenceQuadTree rather than ISwappableGrid
7 Years Ago
Moved return to territory into a separate module for humans
7 Years Ago
String interps in Combat and Activity
7 Years Ago
Redirect to https
7 Years Ago
Added optional progress callbacks to Http get requests
7 Years Ago
Beta key uploading, downloading, deleting
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Added lights to prison
7 Years Ago
ui tweak
7 Years Ago
Added UI components for battery and capacitor