224,079 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
export compressed files
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
added shitty broken map generation
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Removed singular from anim nodes. Added UObject map to stop managed UObjects from getting GC'd
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen
7 Years Ago
Create the correct managed types all the time, not only when using singular
7 Years Ago
rectile anims
7 Years Ago
initial commit
7 Years Ago
Initial commit
7 Years Ago
Added Steam Cloud example
7 Years Ago
Grabber range back to 6
7 Years Ago
Reticle improvements
7 Years Ago
More reticle improvements Merge branch 'master' of CyberBastards
7 Years Ago
namespace refactor
7 Years Ago
Fixed reticle state when mousing over robot
7 Years Ago
Improved robot remote spherecasting
7 Years Ago
Merged with main
7 Years Ago
Wanted cooldowns based on wanted levels now.
7 Years Ago
Viewmodel source update to latest rig
7 Years Ago
fix for 3rd person weapon animations not playing
7 Years Ago
Added a bool LoadCompressed constant
7 Years Ago
Now using a compressed format for Pxc source files
7 Years Ago
Fixed Pxc anim compression
7 Years Ago
Fixed 4 small Lua issues - Typo in ai_schedule.lua, leftovers in ragdoll_motion.lua & balloon.lua, bug in dcategorycollapse.lua
7 Years Ago
Fixed 4 small issues Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/3223 Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/3226 Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/3224 Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/3225
7 Years Ago
super buggy wip trajectory display
7 Years Ago
Rocket factory grounds / dressing progress / silo COL, LOD's, prefabs / grounds loot spawners
7 Years Ago
trajectory display tests
7 Years Ago
Unit bar button transition effects now manually controlled
7 Years Ago
Updated how wanted works.
7 Years Ago
Removed ClearSelectedUnit(), now call SetSelectedUnit(null) instead. Removed tile clearing from this and separated it. Unitbar selection stuff works mostly.
7 Years Ago
Unit selection stuff
7 Years Ago
Updated native plugins for Linux (built with older version for backwards compatibility)
7 Years Ago
Unit bar portraits now responsd to hover events. Input ignores unit hover events if there's a unit portrait hovered
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed PathFollower.Compute leaking Lua references
7 Years Ago
Reduced slasher damage to 3 per unit, Grabber now uses it's attack def damage. Update attack descriptions for both units.
7 Years Ago
tweak mini unit frame hover speed and in range color
7 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build
7 Years Ago
Manual Linux Build (Ubuntu 14.04.5)
7 Years Ago
animate invuln pixel toggle
7 Years Ago
setup new mini unit frame with anim/texture etc
7 Years Ago
Killed all the garbage generation from NetworkStats. Keys were NetworkMessageTypes but enums cause boxing when doing comparisons, generating garbage. Switched to using ints which eliminates the garbage
7 Years Ago
Has to remove all WaitForEndOfFrame use on the server due to this regression bug in the latest Unity version breaking it when in batchmode: https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/waitforendofframe-doesnt-execute-in-batchmode-on-built-project
7 Years Ago
Get rid of outline warnings
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
OUtlineEffect for client only. Fix NRE on built Server
7 Years Ago
Allow building debug server without building release version as well
7 Years Ago
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