224,002 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
Units are now savabale + runtime bug fix.
7 Years Ago
Fixed building placement guide with pool.mode 2
7 Years Ago
Reverted effect references on deployable building parts (hoping those are all)
7 Years Ago
Update Manifest, Prepare prefabs
7 Years Ago
NRE fix
7 Years Ago
Updated phrases
7 Years Ago
More networking fixes
7 Years Ago
Fixed workshop scroll speed Fixed httpimage sometimes not loading Added accepted category in workshop
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
lighthouse stuff (temporary)
7 Years Ago
Networking fixes. Temp set grid range to 1
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Automated Linux DS Build #478
7 Years Ago
Big ass managers refactor WIP
7 Years Ago
Disabled AI again
7 Years Ago
HttpImage caching Bag categories Placeholder bag hq icon Optimized inventory scroller List 'crates' from inventory schema instead of hard coded
7 Years Ago
tugboat LODs, prefab update
7 Years Ago
Automated OSX Build #478
7 Years Ago
Automated Linux Build #478
7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
player commanded role weight fix
7 Years Ago
Steam Inventory crafting warning
7 Years Ago
Player commanded GPVs should now apply role weight correctly.
7 Years Ago
Item fixes
7 Years Ago
Hazmat suit cherry pick
7 Years Ago
Merged from main.
7 Years Ago
More work on sessions.
7 Years Ago
GameConfig WIP RoleParameters exposed in behaviour editors
7 Years Ago
Added GPS line
7 Years Ago
Reverted EAC server binaries
7 Years Ago
Added lods to hazmat suit
7 Years Ago
Load inventory when opening tab instead of on startup
7 Years Ago
Fixed icon loading errors
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed some item categories
7 Years Ago
Fixed salvaged hammer viewmodel
7 Years Ago
Fixed NRE ServerMgr.cs:806
7 Years Ago
tugboat textures, WIP model, materials
7 Years Ago
Slightly faster LightEx / LocalPositionAnimation
7 Years Ago
Bag opening shit
7 Years Ago
Added a comment in code to show that explicitly
7 Years Ago
Singleton Managers should live in GameManager, since that's where they live on the Game Manager prefab. Default to Survival game mode when starting with startup, so that we actually get out of the loading screen and load the game (or quit the game if there's no game mode defined at that point).
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
fixed SAR costing 3 semi auto bodies (now 1, oops) balanced SAR recoil/damage (easier to hit stuff now)
7 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE island border FOR FUCK SAKE raised world by 5 unit FOR FUCK SAKE disabled shgore ovjecte cuz it look weird with big wave !A wip ocean surface shader
7 Years Ago
Water force to 12, cannon ball bit bigger, cannons fire faster, longer and less height
7 Years Ago
Generators for bag
7 Years Ago
Fixed buggy chat visuals with pool.mode 2
7 Years Ago
EAC update
7 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE wip ship