userBill Bcancel

13,104 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.20cph!

3 Years Ago
Gizmo change only
3 Years Ago
Improvements to WorkCart handling of track junctions. Now correctly selecting left/right orientation paths, or the straightest path if no key is pressed.
3 Years Ago
Adjust WorldSpline gizmos
3 Years Ago
Improve train track collation - don't connect track at extreme angles.
3 Years Ago
Adjust workcart engine power
3 Years Ago
Allow WorkCart driver to hold A/D to select a track when passing through a junction. WorldSpline NRE bugfix.
3 Years Ago
Prevent PathInterpolatorLUT complaining about being uninitialised during initial generation
3 Years Ago
Add some more bits to the train tunnels scene for testing
3 Years Ago
Merge Main -> WorkCart
3 Years Ago
Move comment only
3 Years Ago
Fix player interaction bug: If an semi-valid trace was penalised but no subsequent trace was acceptable, the semi-valid trace was lost. Fixes difficulty in upgrading door frames.
3 Years Ago
Added code for damaged and destroyed FX, using placeholder FX
3 Years Ago
Revert protection and health accidental change
3 Years Ago
Delay train destruction when destroyed, and derail them
3 Years Ago
WorkCart health and protection fix
3 Years Ago
Add prevent_building area for workcart
3 Years Ago
Set up workcart gibs, using placeholder gibs model
3 Years Ago
Set up WorkCart damage protection values
3 Years Ago
Quick PID experiment
3 Years Ago
Secondary forces experiment
3 Years Ago
Minor edits
3 Years Ago
Updated train track splines on modified track models
3 Years Ago
Fixed lookup-table spline length bug
3 Years Ago
Fix a worldspline editor update issue
3 Years Ago
Rewrite of train collision handling + changes to movement
3 Years Ago
More workcart rail physics
3 Years Ago
Merge Main>Workcart
3 Years Ago
Spell "hierarchy" correctly
3 Years Ago
Proper tag and layer dropdowns for the editor selection fields, rather than typing in manually
3 Years Ago
Add Rust editor options to select in Heirarchy by tag or layer
3 Years Ago
Fixed a couple of places that assumed the storage sub-entity of a storage module would always exist. With conditional-based storage on the taxi modules this is no longer guaranteed.
3 Years Ago
More WorkCart physics
3 Years Ago
More Workcart physics work
3 Years Ago
Tunnel scene minor edit
3 Years Ago
Material name update
3 Years Ago
Gravity and friction adjustment for workcart
3 Years Ago
Adjust track spline height and workcart colliders so it naturally sits on the track at the exact same height as where the spline is guiding it
3 Years Ago
Gravity edit
3 Years Ago
Refactor of the spline system
3 Years Ago
Fix spline curve calculate bug
3 Years Ago
Turned Interpolate off for workcart rigidbody visuals. Instead of smoothing movement it seemed to actually add jitter in our case, maybe because of the manual MovePosition use?
3 Years Ago
Move workcart in tunnels for easier quick testing
3 Years Ago
Comment clarification only
3 Years Ago
Adjust train engine power and drag
3 Years Ago
Train now moves at correct speed on cubic hermite splines using a lookup table. Some slight jitter that I need to look into
3 Years Ago
Working on a lookup table to allow a constant rate of movement along cubic splines. The simple "spline t * distance" system existing in PathInterpolator doesn't account for the shape of the spline, causing the train to slow on curves
3 Years Ago
More physics work
3 Years Ago
Where we're going, we don't need gravity
3 Years Ago
Don't add throttle forces if train is colliding
3 Years Ago
Trying a new hybrid physical and spline-based train movement system