userBill Bcancel

13,104 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.20cph!

2 Years Ago
Fixed wheel bogie rotation issues, and saved on network data by sending a float for bogie Y rotation instead of a full Vector3
2 Years Ago
Fixed trains sitting in the wrong place on the tracks if the centre of the train wasn't exactly between the two wheels, but now the bogie angle ends up wrong. Need to think about this some more
2 Years Ago
Added a new train engine made out of cube primitives and stuff
2 Years Ago
Fixed train wheels rotating in the wrong direction if the train had bogie rotation enabled and was facing in reverse direction on the track. Flip the tangent if the train if facing backwards.
2 Years Ago
Prevent "look rotation viewing vector is zero"
2 Years Ago
Made independent bogie rotation optional and disabled it for WorkCart (the model isn't designed for it).
2 Years Ago
Base the calculated WorkCart track positions on the pivot points of the front and rear bogies. Wheel bogies now align perfectly on curves.
2 Years Ago
Small merge from rail_network to wheel_tangents
2 Years Ago
Fixed Tomaha rear light not lighting up when braking. Removed unused VehicleLights script.
2 Years Ago
Fixed modular car camper module rear lights being always on, and fixed some modular car taillights not lighting up when braking.
2 Years Ago
Subtracted 69268 (accidentally deleted bone setup), and brought back the separate SMLights model. Updated VehicleLight settings.
2 Years Ago
Added support for VehicleLight to have a different renderer material index per renderer - needed for generic snowmobile. Updated all existing VehicleLights to the new serialized fields.
2 Years Ago
Get snowmobile vehicle light scripts automatically
2 Years Ago
Removed warning when spawning workcart on track that's generated at runtime
2 Years Ago
Cherry pick 69279
2 Years Ago
Fixed train track splines not always updating their data when changing them in editor
2 Years Ago
Server now determines and sends tangent data for the front and rear wheels, allowing the client to rotate the wheel bogies to match the angle of the track. Added to WorkCart. This still has some issues to sort out so committing to a branch for now.
2 Years Ago
Added a method to TrainTrackSpline to get a tangent from the lookup-table points. Also auto-formatted a few of my train classes to Rust standard formatting.
2 Years Ago
Ported some train engine code back into BaseTrain for future wheel work
2 Years Ago
Don't collate train tracks on the client, it's unneeded
2 Years Ago
Test map collates train tracks
2 Years Ago
Test map edit
2 Years Ago
▊▋▆▉█ ▉▇▅▅ -> 🚂
2 Years Ago
VehicleLight script now support multiple renderers per script. Updated all VehicleLight users. Set up the generic snowmobile's new lights.
2 Years Ago
Consolidate LODs
2 Years Ago
Merge GMLights -> Snowmobile
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Snowmobile
2 Years Ago
Added support for train track splines to connect to themselves when collating, making one continuous loop
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Rail Network
2 Years Ago
Input while riding a horse now takes the player's auto-sprint setting into account
2 Years Ago
Fixed IsMounted actually returning HasDriver for vehicles (i.e. would return false if there was a passenger and no driver). Introduced in 25915.
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> General QOL
2 Years Ago
Re-check UpdateFullFlag after mount points are spawned in. Fixes the following bug: - Server crashes while player is mounted. - Server loads save and dismounts the player. UpdateFullFlag is checked due to the dismount, and currently loaded mount points are zero, so the vehicle has zero mounted but nevertheless is "full". - The mount points are then loaded - Vehicle is now stuck thinking it's fully occupied
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
▉▇▅▍ ▉▋▊▉ ▄█▍█▍▍▄ ▉▌▆▆
2 Years Ago
Fixed WorldSpline build compile (remove #if UNITY_EDITOR check)
2 Years Ago
█▋▋▉▊▄▋ ▉▌▊█▍▊▌▊▆ ▄▍▆▊▄▍▋▄▌▄█▄█▇█ ▍▅▅▌▇ ▆▇ ▉▌▉▇ (▅▍▄▇▌▊▌ ▆▍▍█▇▌▉ ▄▋▊▉▉▋ ▄▉)
2 Years Ago
Fixed WorkCart height on above-ground tracks, and collision issues with above-ground tracks. Work Cart now drivers properly above ground with collisions enabled
2 Years Ago
Added an improved TrainIsland scene
2 Years Ago
Simplify the taxi kick method now that mount points are stored on each module
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> rail_network
2 Years Ago
Merge TrainOnRails -> rail_network
2 Years Ago
Fixed magnet crane jittery driving feel (due to interpolation setting). Non-movement rotation is still jittery, that's a more ingrained issue.
2 Years Ago
Magnet Crane turning was still feeling too fast on a live server. Removed the additional steering torque.
2 Years Ago
Minor magnet crane tweak after further testing
2 Years Ago
Fixed work cart gravity calculation being backwards (so uphill was faster, downhill slower)
2 Years Ago
GenerateRailMeshes now generates a TrainTrackSpline script with a spline that the train can follow. WorkCart can now run on the above-ground rails - but not very accurately as the drop to terrain height that the real tracks use is so far ignored.
2 Years Ago
TrainIsland track testing scene
2 Years Ago
Unity was automatically recalculating the Magnet Crane inertia tensor as the crane arm moved, causing it to get pretty unstable if the arm was up high. Now manually overriding the intertia tensor with values that essentially treat the arm component as weightless (we already did this with the centre of mass).
2 Years Ago
Magnet crane braking/steering