116,381 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Fixed ambient lighting in view model camera not matching environment when inside
Fixed ambient lighting darker than before when inside
reworked wood part of brick skin to look higher quality
hooked up climb idle in player controller
Added support for a LOD4 in wearables, uses a different LOD arrangement
polish around roof.top.line models alignments so everything lines up
exported unarmed player climb rope idle animation
Added new climbRope state to player controller, with blendtree setup and onRopeLadder param
diver hazmat lods, scripts, prefab setup - needs item definition setting up properly (use sunburn dlc), vm, wm and icon still
Merge PhysicsLayerRevamp -> Main
lowered inner wood beam on conditional wall corners
perfected foundation corner meshes to be seamless/no zfight
disabled vending machines in terminal building
updated cover on the drawbridge to cut LOS to terminal building entrance
Updated the pump textures
Enbled brick building skin
resize on light fixtures textures
Made a new RHIB driver mount prefab to ensure anything else using the prefab is unaffected
RHIB driver hands now follow wheel as it rotates
Added a steering wheel range multiplier to prevent how much the steering wheel rotates by in order to prevent distorted shoulders (visual only, actual boat turning range is unchanged)
Update RHIB driver eye position to better match actual player eye position
RHIB driver now uses first person with arms perspective so that we see the arm Ik from first person
Merge CargoPreventBuilding -> Tugboat. This will temporarily break ladder deployment on cargo ship, but a fix is coming in the next few days
Have the tugboat headlights (spotlight) on by default
Fixed spotlight still looking kind of on when it was off. We didn't have an "off" spotlight in the archives, so I've pieced one together
Added support for turning the main spotlight on and off with the light key
Disable write defaults on new turn on/off animator states, fixes foot jitter
Fixed light meshes disappearing when lights are off, and fixed some scripts not being set to IsDynamic
Removed colliders from Tugboat lights, since they'd be client-side only
Some tugboat lights now only on when engine is on. Left some on all the time tough, to avoid player inconvenience
Hooked up exhaust effect. Set all tugboat FX to the correct initial state.
Decrease frontWakeMinSpeed to 1m/s. Looks jarring when it starts up, otherwise
Only play tugboat front wake effect if submerged and moving at at least 9km/h (2.5m/s)
Added support to boats for a separate reverse throttle effect
Adjusted tugboat driving performance for slower acceleration, but higher maximum speed
Added Vehicle World and Vehicle Large layers to the default bounds check masks used by spawn handlers
3p diver torch - created holdtype override for diver torch, so both standard flame torch & diver torch can play independent on/off anims
updated entity to use new override.
Cherry picked
83656 => Restored Assets\Prefabs\Misc\Recycler.meta
Restored Assets\Prefabs\Misc\Recycler.meta
Merge from aux2/diversuit-merge (diversuit)
merge from main -> global_networked_bases
All guns consistent worldmodel orientation, with pivot/CoG shifted where it feels logical
Fix "Native Collection not disposed" error (forgot to dispose a NativeArray)
Fix compilation error on client
Cherry picked 83648: Fixed compile errors in Custom\StandardWithTwoDecal shader
Cherry picked 83648: Fixed compile errors in Custom\StandardWithTwoDecal shader
Cherry picked 83648: Fixed compile errors in Custom\StandardWithTwoDecal shader
Fixed compile errors in Custom\StandardWithTwoDecal shader