116,392 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Cherry picked
83656 => Restored Assets\Prefabs\Misc\Recycler.meta
Restored Assets\Prefabs\Misc\Recycler.meta
Merge from aux2/diversuit-merge (diversuit)
merge from main -> global_networked_bases
All guns consistent worldmodel orientation, with pivot/CoG shifted where it feels logical
Fix "Native Collection not disposed" error (forgot to dispose a NativeArray)
Fix compilation error on client
Cherry picked 83648: Fixed compile errors in Custom\StandardWithTwoDecal shader
Cherry picked 83648: Fixed compile errors in Custom\StandardWithTwoDecal shader
Cherry picked 83648: Fixed compile errors in Custom\StandardWithTwoDecal shader
Fixed compile errors in Custom\StandardWithTwoDecal shader
Merge from diversuit/shader-merge
Changeset merge from shader-improvements
exported unarmed player climb up and down rope in ferry terminal branch
Merge from aux2/ferry_merge (ferry_terminal)
Merge from ferry_terminal
Added pump model to the pumpjack
Updated tugboat door mesh
Tugboat interior mesh update
Cherry picked:
83634 Fixed forward shaders sampling light proxy volume (not used)
83635 Fixed broken atmospheric scattering on glass and other semi-opaque materials
Merge from ferry_terminal/shader-merge4
Changeset merge from shader-improvements
going through lists of checks for brick skin release
Fixed broken atmospheric scattering on glass and other semi-opaque materials
Fixed forward shaders sampling light proxy volume (not used)
disabling crunch compression on building parts texture atlases
disabling crunch compression on building parts texture atlases
Refactor `InstancedEntityRenderScheduler` into `InstancedEntityScheduler` and `InstancedRenderScheduler`
First cleanup of code
All instanced rendering commands restricted to admins
Fix windmill scale being wrong as we weren't taking the full scale of individual MeshRenderers into account
3p torch, melee override updates
Cherry picked
83457 => Fixed deferred decal lighting
Cherry picked
78436 => Possible fix for vehicle window shader bug
caves modules re-lighting (and fixing some OP lights along the way)
Fixed Cliff_LOD shader pragma
83385 without water5 => Replaced unreliable ShadeSH* calls with our own AmbientLighting
83295 without water5 => Fixed post-merge shader errors
83356 => Removed unused and broken dependencies from RustStandardShaderGUI
Cherry picked
83070 from diversuit => Added fresnel-style emission fade option to "Rust/Standard"
Ambient lighting reapplied (based on 83385)
tweaks to lighting prefab (floating prefabs)
added some off lights to balance lit one on buildings