116,408 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Fixed python worldmodel LOD3 being offset
Merge from shader-improvements
83560 => merge from shader-improvements/merge
Fixed GetGroundInfo missing ocean hits
Fixed GetMaterialAt not supporting ocean hits
Fixed water footsteos spawning at terrain level instead of ocean level
Added NotEqual option to VertexLit Blended Custom and WaterDrop shaders
Merge from shader-improvements/merge
Fixed so instanced rendering will show for entities not in network range
Small refactor
Fixed shipping_container_skin material missing randomization tint map
Disable instanced rendering on concrete barricade & sandbag (they have skins)
Added ReflectionMask property to the "Environment Properties" asset to adjust the layers that are included in reflections
Added fluorescent sound buzz when enabled.
Flare color fix that got messed up in a Unity crash.
Merge from shader-improvements/merge
Forgot to add the flare to the on state.
On/off functions
Temp file cleanup
WeaponRack lighting rework.
Added reflection.forceupdate convar to quickly update world reflections even if stationary
Remove old "windmill_main" model from windmill
Enable GPU instancing on windmill material
Use total scale of mesh instead of only localScale of renderer gameobject
Fixed being unable to deploy boogie boards or inner tubes in the ocean (SocketMod_InWater fix)
Cherry picked
78436 => Possible fix for vehicle window shader bug
Fixed Cliff_LOD shader pragmas
Fixed deployed boom boxes failing to reconnect to a valid station after an unsuccesful reconnection attempt
Cherry picked:
83457 Fixed deferred decal lighting
83538 Added fresnel-style emission fade option to "Rust/Standard"
Merge from ferry_terminal
Cherry picked
83381 Fixed post-merge bug causing overall lightness to increase
83382 Fixed post-merge bug grey box around inventory playermodel
83383 Fixed subtle faceted lighting in player preview
83385 Cherry picked
83367 and repplied to new backend
Cherry picked
83356 => Removed unused and broken dependencies from RustStandardShaderGUI
Stop the push interact option appearing while a player is on board the tugboat (this makes pushing impossible as being on the outside is now considered too far to push, will likely need revision)
Added an anim curve to remap turn pose average
Updated sleeping bag behaviour to request updated map positions if a bag is parented to a moving object, not just if it's a camper
Largely untested, needs more deployable work to verify
Cherry picked
83070 from diversuit => Added fresnel-style emission fade option to "Rust/Standard"
Add turn pose lerp speed and maxaverge functionality
merge from main -> global_networked_bases
Fixed rotation of certain entities being incorrect
Removed useless Dictionary<NetworkableId,GlobalEntityData>
Animated building blocks no longer modify batching if they are parented to a vehicle (fixes door batching issues after opening/closing)
Batching fix for parented entities
Log warning when ItemSkin.icon is unset instead of failing the build
Doors now properly parent to tugboat and the entity follows as expected, even if visual renderers do not