userBill Bcancel

8,727 Commits over 1,705 Days - 0.21cph!

2 Years Ago
Remove dropChance parameter on all storage containers (and ContainerIOEntities) and replace with a simple dropsLoot bool. I've copied all the data over. The actual dropChance float was never used except as a == 0 bool check.
2 Years Ago
Only sub and boat loot floats - save on potential performance hit. Added separate floating loot prefab. Storage container can now set loot to floating or not. A few other edits to storage. Don't drop sub torpedoes, just the storage.
2 Years Ago
Give item_drop the splash effect 💧
2 Years Ago
Added underwater drag as an option to the buoyancy system. Makes the item_drop backpack behave much more nicely
2 Years Ago
Make the generic item_drop (grey backpack) buoyant
2 Years Ago
All vehicles with storage now drop that storage when destroyed (rowboat, RHIB, hot air balloon, both submarines, modular cars). Modular cars already did this, but the others did not. Note this does not include fuel, or modular car engine parts. Renamed carsdroploot convar to vehiclesdroploot - now affects all listed vehicles.
2 Years Ago
Merge MountedLookAtOverride_reinstate -> Main. Fixes head look bug and allows head look to show up in a lot more mounted situations.
2 Years Ago
Snowmobile and BaseModularVehicle now share a new GroundVehicle base class
2 Years Ago
Fix server compile
2 Years Ago
Check and adjusted max velocity estimate
2 Years Ago
Fixcars now supplies max fuel again
2 Years Ago
Generalised 'fixcars' console command. Now repairs and refuels *any* nearby vehicle (boats, subs, helicopters, etc). Reduced amount of fuel it adds from max to 100.
2 Years Ago
Fixed snowmobile gibs not showing the damage texture
2 Years Ago
A bit more health for snowmobiles
2 Years Ago
Fixed Tomaha gibs, set snowmobile health, set up damage texture effect for both snowmobiles. Simplified damage renderer usage across all vehicles.
2 Years Ago
Improved snowmobile foot IK
2 Years Ago
Passenger setup
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Seat prefabs
2 Years Ago
Snowmobile rear passenger mount added and set up
2 Years Ago
Snowmobile driver eye pos + mount pos adjustments
2 Years Ago
Snowmobile driver IK setup
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Snowmobile
2 Years Ago
Driver mount offset
2 Years Ago
Fix reference to _mounted on the client side
2 Years Ago
Revert 66778 ("Remove unused overrideMountedLookAt"), integrate overrideMountedLookAt into the updated HeadIK method.
2 Years Ago
Fix snowmobile item definition IDs
2 Years Ago
Snowmobile wheel and terrain FX system final setup
2 Years Ago
Okay, refactoring vehicle chassis visuals again, but I think we're there now
2 Years Ago
More snowmobile code WIP, mostly client-side wheel related. Sharing more code with modular car.
2 Years Ago
Fix sand FX bug
2 Years Ago
Fixing issues with terrain FX etc
2 Years Ago
Fix wheel assignment, adjust wheel heights, remove unnecessary code
2 Years Ago
Particle FX fix
2 Years Ago
Fixed wheel FX direction
2 Years Ago
Fix layer assignment on Tomaha colliders
2 Years Ago
Remove excess Tomaha collider
2 Years Ago
Drive wheel slip var
2 Years Ago
Refactor snowmobiles into prefab variants of a common base. Add storage to the Tomaha.
2 Years Ago
Rearrange snowmobile files
2 Years Ago
More snowmobile setup
2 Years Ago
Tweak intertia tensor values
2 Years Ago
RetroSnowmobile set up, now driveable.
2 Years Ago
WIP other snowmobile setup. Colliders etc
2 Years Ago
Test map edit
2 Years Ago
Modify retro snowmobile collider mesh: - Split into two parts and fill in the gaps so it can be convex. - Limited dissolve to remove unnecessary verts + triangulate.
2 Years Ago
Move wheel friction from general car setting to per-wheel. Also spelling tyre the commonwealth way 🇬🇧
2 Years Ago
Wheel suspension edits
2 Years Ago
Hooked up wheel FX etc
2 Years Ago
Added icons and items for the two snowmobiles