250,533 Commits over 3,959 Days - 2.64cph!

50 Days Ago
Made new protection profiles for shield variants Attacks from new wolves should now be blocked by the shield if the shield is raised and the wolf is in front of the player, will not block at all if the player isn't raising their shield
50 Days Ago
Merge from main
50 Days Ago
Fixed player arms animator layer getting stuck in aiming mode if player starts blocking while already crouched
50 Days Ago
Safety check for Large Shredder so we don't modify non kinematic rigidbodies and produce a warning
50 Days Ago
Merge from launcher reload bug
50 Days Ago
Support SoundHandle.Stop fade time, add Fadeout curve to control fading
50 Days Ago
Fixed not being able to reload again for a small window if the reload was cancelled via holstering/redeploying
50 Days Ago
Merge from main
50 Days Ago
Parent merge
50 Days Ago
Merge from cinematic_gestures
50 Days Ago
Fixed cinematic 'kick' and 'push' gestures sharing the same name in custom gesture wheel.
50 Days Ago
Merge from main
50 Days Ago
50 Days Ago
Merge from main
50 Days Ago
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50 Days Ago
In unlikely case of ground projection spherecast starting inside geo, handle failure gracefully and keep the point unprojected
50 Days Ago
Handle sphere traces that start inside geo returning Vector3.zero as their impact point
50 Days Ago
Reduce wolf circle speed by 25%, make it so that the wolves uses multiple different speeds when closing the gap instead of zigzaging at full speed
50 Days Ago
Make wolves react more predictably to allies being hit, making packs of 3 more manageable with a bow
50 Days Ago
merge from fix_antihack_toast_reason -> main
50 Days Ago
When sending "Antihack!" toast to client, include the antihack reason that is blocking placement - gives better information to bug reports
50 Days Ago
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50 Days Ago
balancing disabled achievements in easy mode stopwatch lerp timescale up bullet impact clouds, fix death cam zoom fixes
50 Days Ago
Prevent wolf from jumping inside geo if the player is tip toeing on a platform/cliff edge
50 Days Ago
Reduce wolf vision range at night
51 Days Ago
Deck uses prefab references, not spawned GameObjects, only spawn in once delivered to a player's hand
51 Days Ago
Clarify loading phase text Implement forward jump power stat, shuffle deck on generation
51 Days Ago
Don't need this anymore Int health This is also useless
51 Days Ago
Style fixes, cache buster
51 Days Ago
Fix code stretching mobile view We don't need to limit the width of the toc
51 Days Ago
TableOfContents component Load styles in the main layout again
51 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #15797
51 Days Ago
merge from fix_monument_scenes_osx -> main
51 Days Ago
Fixed backward compat for Authority attribute when specifying NetPermission. Ensure networking is cleaned up after game leave so any last-chance RPCs can be sent.
51 Days Ago
Change deck generation to be a bit smarter. Cards can specify a range of how many we want in a deck
51 Days Ago
Try to give a card to the last half's loser on preparation start
51 Days Ago
Actually include stats from direct connection / dedicated server with net_debug on
51 Days Ago
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
51 Days Ago
Fix serialization error
51 Days Ago
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
51 Days Ago
Correctly return state failure when pathfinding failed
51 Days Ago
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
51 Days Ago
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51 Days Ago
Prevent wolf from charging for too long
51 Days Ago
Add files via upload Added the enum for the available icons usable in the loading screen menu tip message for December's patch.
51 Days Ago
Added Connection.GetStats support / implementation for non-lobby Steam connections. Can view net stats for connection to dedicated server or clients connected to dedicated server as well
51 Days Ago
Fix wolf sometimes getting stuck in charge Add log when state finishes but has no end transition
51 Days Ago
Fix wolf standing still when circling into a wall
51 Days Ago
Fix wolf mesh staying below powerline platforms, even though their actual body is on top