258,346 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
Update to record multikills per-weapon as well
Fixed the rendering issues with the bear-snow.decal material
assigned glass diff for cooking workbench
Add kill tracker system, start recording multikills as stats
Updated Bee Grenade World Model FBX
Updated Bee Greande World Model Textures
Fixed Bee Grenade Projectile Disappearing After A Certain Distance
Folder Tidy Up Aswell
Meat cooking client prediction and server reconcilliation, wow
Updated the deferred decal renderer to make it update its transformation matrix correctly when editing it within the scene view
- Water no longer kills swarms, but instead works as a deterent
- Dont target people that are too wet
Add player stats for all pickups
Cooking workbench textures
4k cooking workbench textures
merge from vehicle_build_privilege_fix
edited y curve on tiger ledge attack jump rootmotiondata asset
fixed vehicle building privilege cache reading as false negative
cinematic texture sets / materials for media content
improved cooking work bench gibs
Add more bot types to traffic
User flags
User section to its own project
User admin
Edit permissions
Remove Match param from MenuButton
User search, admin, moderator filters
Spoilers, inline code tags
Add MonthPicker
Add Loading
Fix warning in Username
User money overview can switch months
DailyChart takes an optional Month
Can switch between months in org monetization
PlayerOverview includes player's avatar
Api to get random avatars
Added deferred indirect lighting and environment volume pass back to the camera prefab after merge
separated client/server convars for trigger excludelayer behaviour
created icons for the 4 armour plate variants
converted armour plates from LODGroup to MeshLOD
Cleaned up folders
Wheat collectable layer fix
Fixed Wheat collectable using corn model
Leaderboard backup, run #
Merge from crafting_update
Applied Harvesting buff to hunters pie
Pumpkin pie now gives +10% max health
Fix NRE spamming launcher window caused by Asset.GetPublishSettings being called on assets too early
Removed comfort modifier from chocolate bar
Removed fishing booster from fish pie
Added comfort booster to fish pie
Apple pie recipe is now 3x apple, 3x wheat, 3x honey
New bear Pie recipe: 3x cooked bear meat, 3x wheat, 2x mushroom, 2x egg
Remove old temp icons
Fixed recipe list caching between play mode sessions
Merge from crafting_update
Possibly fixed looping fire fx on bee swam effect
Disable play on awake on sub emitters, update flags toggle so it can turn off when OnFire flag is disabled
Merge from crafting_update
Fixed wheat missing from world population
Was lost in merge in
Run animation and procedural bone objects on bone merged renderers before bone merging to parent https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b2511b1/sbox-dev_NxhcNeZxQi.mp4
Iterate volumetrics
thing weight
barrel flinch
tweak blood particles
dont snapshot gibs
barrel magnet
Merge from crafting_update
Merge from cookingv2 to crafting_update
Fixed comfort never resetting back to 25 after standing on a rug while under the comfort boost effect (rounding issue in UI)
Merge from media_projects
Merge from crafting_update