258,240 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
Fix world serialization checksum not handling -0f
Adding or removing items to/from the cooking item stack updates the cooking visuals accordingly
Added cooking workbench recipes for cooked deer, bear, fish and pork
Fixed killing chickens via "ent kill" in the coop not properly removing them from the coop
Fixed spoiled horse meat being cookable and usable as bait
Merge from crafting_update
Merge from crafting_update
Merge from 1p_spectating_grenade_fix
Assigned the grenade impact to bee-grenade-explode (placeholder)
Made the 3p held grenade not so small.
Grenade viewmodels now play the throw animation when first person spectating like they do in regular gameplay
This was an old issue, but more noticeable with the bee grenades
Had to upgrade grenade viewmodel handling to the new IViewmodelComponent system so had to apply this upgrade to every grenade. Affected:
Throwable Firecrackers
Supply Signals
Bee Grenades
F1 Grenades
3p held visual consistency fix.
Fixed bee grenade worldmodel having two LOD scripts and some distance weirdness.
Now only uses 3 LOD states instead of 5.
VM Bees.
Various mat tweaks.
Merge from friend_chat_fixes
Basic steam timeline support
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Changed the HttpImage component on friends list avatars to more closely match avatars next to chat messages
Possible fix for Discord avatars disappearing only in builds of the game?
Limit how long DMs coming from steam/discord can be when rendered in game
Fix Steam friends refreshing every 15s even when UI isn't visible (menu is hidden but still interactable)
Fix menu friends list not refreshing immediately when opening it
Replace UIFriends.Update with a lower frequency invoke
merge from autoturret_servertick_optim
Fixed npc turrets erroring when finding a target, caused by
Fix chat message avatars not being aligned to the top of longer chat messages
Can now create Folders and JSON Files in the `Localization/` directory from the Asset Browser. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7492
First pass of 'visual cooking': we now show food world models being cooked in barbecues and campfire
Reworked how BeeSwarm works:
- Can now be set on fire
- Slowed it down
- Optimistaions and changes
Update: ServerDemoPlayer - add Ready message logging
Tests: none, trivial change
Update: ServerDemoPlayer - log more message types
Tests: ran demo from staging server
RecipeLists can now reference other recipe lists and include their recipes.
Refactored all recipe related code to use the new combined recipe list.
Material tweakaroos and some related files.
fixed missing texture references in wolf and pork meat materials after merge, fixed missing prefab references in module_1200x1200_4way_ladder to have new meat in, tested all meat and appears correct
Possible NRE fix in PackageSelector
Added "Include Path in Search" option in Asset Browser. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7733
removed copied model from world model prefab
set up viewmodel renderer - all working now but set to off until final model delivery
copyto now correctly recreates and copies armor slots and inserts for belt items too (mostly to stop the NRE)
Added more useful info to CLtoSV and SVtoCL net message ToStrings
Undo changes to combine dropship as they are crashy
Prevent crashes when GetBoneCache is called with no model
Do not mount addons/ twice in-game (regression)
Tools also now respect -noaddons
Fixed 357 reload missing its shelleject effect
Fixed Bugbait not having viewmodel bob when sprinting
Fixed missing AR2 reload sound in 3rd person
Fix 357 shelleject in firstperson multiplayer
VBSP: Prevent crashing with bad VMFs (newlines), display an error
StudioMdl: Gracefully handle numframes 0 or below (instead of crashing)
Update w_pistol to fire correct events for player 3rd person brass eject
adjustments, fix server compile errors