
10,585 Commits over 3,653 Days - 0.12cph!

8 Days Ago
Merge from unity_2022.3.24
8 Days Ago
BaseCombatEntity.Hurt uses pooling for HitInfo
9 Days Ago
Item / ItemManager use pooling
9 Days Ago
Eliminated BaseCombatEntity.Hurt GC alloc
9 Days Ago
Fixed BaseProjectile.DelayedModsChanged profiler sample mismatch
9 Days Ago
Merge from unity_2022.3.24
9 Days Ago
Removing Unity.AI.Navigation package since we're using a customized version of the old one
9 Days Ago
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9 Days Ago
Kayak fix for "Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported."
10 Days Ago
SteamNewsSource http -> https
10 Days Ago
Merge from unity_2022.3.24
10 Days Ago
Strip all UnityEngine.AI components from clients (attempt to fix warning spam)
10 Days Ago
Merge from unity_2022.3.24
10 Days Ago
OnParentChanging velocity adjustment is skipped on kinematic rigidbodies to fix: "Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported."
10 Days Ago
Replaced RenderSettings.customReflection with ReflectionProbe.defaultTexture
10 Days Ago
Compile fix
10 Days Ago
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10 Days Ago
Merge from unity_2022.3.24
10 Days Ago
Namespace fix
10 Days Ago
Merge from unity_2022.3.24
10 Days Ago
Serialization fixes
10 Days Ago
Merge from unity_2022.3.24
10 Days Ago
Removing UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental references
10 Days Ago
Merge from unity_2022.3.24
10 Days Ago
Meta files
10 Days Ago
Code changes
10 Days Ago
CurrentVersion, ProjectSettings
11 Days Ago
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11 Days Ago
Straighten road next to roadside monuments
11 Days Ago
Prefer longer cliff segments
11 Days Ago
PlaceCliffs has MinHeight and MaxHeight parameters to specifc terrain altitude range of certain cliff types
11 Days Ago
Moved GenerateCliffTopology slopeCutoff and splatCutoff to consts at the top of the file
11 Days Ago
Implemented "force the cliffs to spawn at the highest available Y position"
11 Days Ago
Fixed "cliff scaling doesn't always obey the min/max values"
11 Days Ago
ProceduralMapRoad spawns roadside monuments
11 Days Ago
PlaceMonumentsRoadside fixes & improvements
12 Days Ago
Merge from main
12 Days Ago
Merge from main
15 Days Ago
Fixed piece of shit water system returning incorrect trace hit position when underwater, causing incorrect water hits while inside water carving volumes
16 Days Ago
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21 Days Ago
22 Days Ago
S2P harbor_1 and harbor_2
22 Days Ago
Enabled IsDynamic on crane rope ladder prefab (so it persists through entity save / load)
22 Days Ago
Merge from main
22 Days Ago
S2P harbor_1 and harbor_2
22 Days Ago
Merge from main (needs S2P, see next commit)
22 Days Ago
ServerListManager.EnqueuePings NRE fix
22 Days Ago
23 Days Ago
Cached server browser HttpClient exceptions no longer prevent download reattempts
23 Days Ago
Cached server browser is less exceptiony