
10,585 Commits over 3,653 Days - 0.12cph!

6 Years Ago
Save++ because Helk decided to commit all monuments Network++
6 Years Ago
Added pool.debug to standalone builds (only works in development builds)
6 Years Ago
Fixed server use distance regressions
6 Years Ago
Disabled player model pooling by default Network++
6 Years Ago
Enabled normal / tangent import on triangular wall conditional models (Windows missing shadow fix?)
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
▊▉▆▌▇▉▊█ ▉▍█▉█▅▇▅▉_▉▍▊▆▍▅▌▌▄▊▍ ▋▍█▉▆▄▅ ▆▄▄█▋ ▍▇ ▄ (▄▊▍▇ ▆)
6 Years Ago
▆▄ ▋▍▊▍▌▍▆▌▄█ ▌▋▌ ▆▊▊▅▊ ▍▅▄▊ ▇▆ ▍▄ ▄▍▆▌▆▅ ▍█▆ ▉▇▊ (▋▋▌▊ ▇▇▄▆▌ ▉▇▄█▊▍▄)
6 Years Ago
▆▊▅▇▉▊▋▍█▉_▉▄▆▌▆█▉▌▅▇ ▆ / ▊ ▇▇▉▉▋▆
6 Years Ago
Compile fix
6 Years Ago
▍▆█▆▉▉▋▉▉▌_▅▄█▉▉▅▇██▌ █ ▌▌██▇
6 Years Ago
▉▋▍▇▌ ▍▄▄▅▋▌ ▍▌▅▄▆█▉▉ ▌▄▅▋▆▍▉▋▍▉ ▌▅▄▊▉▉▅██▄▋▄ (▅▄█▋ █▉ ▉▇▊▆▆▅▍▅█▄ ▋█▇▅▄▉) ! ▇▉▌▇▆ ▉▌▋▄█▌ ▋▍▄▆█▉▄▆ ▉▌▊▍▍▋█▄ ▅▋▍▋▉▄▊▋▌▍▄▆ (▍▉▌▆▋▆ ▅▆█▋▆▌▆▍ ▉▊▊▊▌▉▋▉ ▋▍ ▄▊▇▋▆▇) ! ▇▉█▋▆ ▄▄█▅ ▊▉▆▊ █▉▅█ ▉█▄▄▆▄▉█▇ ▌ ▌▆▄▍█▍▄▇▊█ ▉▊█▉▆█▅▍▉▍
6 Years Ago
▇▉▄▅▊ ▆▌▉▋▉█-▅▋▌▅ ▇▌▉▌▌▋ ▆▍▋ ▆▌▍▍▅▇▍ (█▌▍▄▋▆=▆▆ ▄▄▋█ ▍▊▌▍▋▊ ▇▋ ▄ ▉▉▋▄▊▆ ▍▌ ▇▌ ██▉▍▆▌ ▌▇▄▊▇▌ ▋▄▌▄▅ ▇▍▅▇▋▊▌▍▇▅ ▍▄▄▇█▋▆▇ ▄▇▊▊) ! ▄▍▆▆▅ ▋▋▋▊▆▊ ▄▉▌▅ ▉▊▌▊▄▍▊▌▆▄ ▆▌▄▉▊▌▊▉▋▍ ▆▄▉█▄▅▉█▋█▍▋ ▊▉ ▋▊▅▋ ▉▋ ▇▄▍▅ ▌▍ ▊▅▄█▍▉▌▍▌█_▅▇▉▌▇▅▅▌▅█ ▅▉ >= ▌
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
Extrapolation time on NPC entities is clamped to 0.1 seconds as well
6 Years Ago
Made PositionLerp more generic to eventually be usable in other projects Extrapolation time on player entities is clamped to 0.1 seconds
6 Years Ago
Cherry picking corpse NRE fix from Helk's branch
6 Years Ago
▅▅▇▄▅ ▄▌▆▋▍▆ ▇█▇▊ ▍▌█▌▍▄▌███ ▅▉▌▅▅█▊▅▉▊ ▄▇▄▅█▇▄█▇▄▉▆ (▄▌▉▉█▍▅▋ ▆▊ ▍▊▄█▍▅▊, █▊▅▍▊▉ ▉▋▇█ ▊▍█▅▇▌▌▉▄▊_▉▄▋▄▋█▇██▅ ▄)
6 Years Ago
▅▋▋▉▄ ▋▊▆ ▍▋▋▌▌▇▄▅▊ ▋▌▋▇▇▋▅▊█
6 Years Ago
▌█▉▇█ █▌█▅▄▆▊▋▌▌▇▋▊▌█▅▉▆▍▌▄ / ▍▍▅▇▉▊▋█▆▇▇▌▅▉▋▅▍▍▅█▅▆▆ ▉█ ▊▅▉▍▇▅▉███ ▍▆▌ █▉▌▆
6 Years Ago
Merge from save159
6 Years Ago
Bundle splits
6 Years Ago
Removed red maple bare tree assets (unused)
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
One more file
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Network++ Save++
6 Years Ago
Applied a number of rock prefab modifications to the rocks_dressing scene so Scene2Prefab doesn't revert them
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
Include more data in the checksum now that the mismatch should be fixed
6 Years Ago
Forestside topology next to deciduous forests also uses grass terrain texture instead of forest terrain texture
6 Years Ago
Added deciduous forests around lakes
6 Years Ago
Changed ground texture inside deciduous forests to grass
6 Years Ago
Fixed terrain anchors on prefab rock formations
6 Years Ago
Completely circumvent PositionLerp logic with lerp.enabled 0 (faster & better for testing)
6 Years Ago
Merge from tree_revamp
6 Years Ago
Removed some rocks from satellite dish monument that were placed outside of the terrain blend map
6 Years Ago
Increased forest sizes
6 Years Ago
Merge from tree_revamp
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
Added "alt" topology to specify a second variant of a topology Added deciduous forests to temperate biome
6 Years Ago
Merge from tree_revamp
6 Years Ago
Cherry picking 26166
6 Years Ago
Stricter construction socket connect distance / angle to fix some minor glitches
6 Years Ago
Only use triangular wall conditional models if aligned perfectly with the roof (not when offset by 1/2)
6 Years Ago
Terrain sockets no longer count as inside terrain if outside the terrain bounds
6 Years Ago
Consider entities out of bounds if they're lower than terrain zero level
6 Years Ago
Cherry picking 26126
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
Fixed checksum mismatch on certain seeds