
10,585 Commits over 3,653 Days - 0.12cph!

6 Years Ago
Fixed various issues with missing terrain carve volume terrain checks on the caves (regression from terrain blend maps)
6 Years Ago
Removed some rocks from water treatment plant that were placed outside of the terrain blend map
6 Years Ago
Fixed field rocks sometimes partially overlapping the outermost objects of monuments
6 Years Ago
Added warning when skin download fails to start (separate from timing out)
6 Years Ago
Merge from conditional_models_3
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
Renamed some profiler samples because Unity
6 Years Ago
Added debug.callbacks
6 Years Ago
Disabled sync position on boat storage and fuel (should automatically inherit group from parent, no need to sync explicitly)
6 Years Ago
Tree bundles
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Merge from tree_revamp
6 Years Ago
Added temp_field_large spawn population to procedural maps
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
Network++ Plugins
6 Years Ago
Cherry picking 26035 (Schema refresh stripping)
6 Years Ago
Cherry picking 26000 (Steamworks update)
6 Years Ago
Fixed server lag corrupting lerp timestamps, sometimes permanently
6 Years Ago
Fixed repair bench skin icons not refreshing until clicked
6 Years Ago
Call ItemManager.InvalidateWorkshopSkinCache when new item definitions have been received
6 Years Ago
Optimized PositionLerp.SnapTo / SnapToEnd
6 Years Ago
Fixed ore bonus have sync position flag set
6 Years Ago
Fixed FormatException
6 Years Ago
Changed lerp.debug to false by default
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Fixed lerp timestamp sometimes being incorrect when enabling lerp Fixed lerp server timestamp correction sometimes getting corrupt Added lerp.debug convar
6 Years Ago
Fixed animals turning like Slowpoke (lerp regression)
6 Years Ago
Server player loot distance and client interaction distance are closer together
6 Years Ago
Removed lerp debug log
6 Years Ago
Send network update when healing entities using upkeep
6 Years Ago
Fixed server save timings ignoring the majority of the stall time
6 Years Ago
Stripped server schema refresh (fixes server stall every 30 minutes)
6 Years Ago
Added server timestamp correction to network interpolation Network++
6 Years Ago
Print full exception when "error loading save" happens
6 Years Ago
Fixed player view direction going fubar with extrapolation (still some problems, should probably be disabled altogether for players due to delta updates)
6 Years Ago
Network extrapolation also uses slerp instead of lerp for rotations
6 Years Ago
Fixed that network interpolation velocity smoothing wasn't working correctly Interpolate rotations with slerp instead of lerp Fixed vis.lerp ghosting (and some ddraw ghosting in general)
6 Years Ago
Fixed missing guides and hammer highlights on walls
6 Years Ago
Updated roof side model condition so only other roofs affect it
6 Years Ago
Conditional models refresh correctly when rotating a building block
6 Years Ago
Removed rotation hack from right hand side triangular walls
6 Years Ago
Added triangular wall conditional models when placed at a roof side
6 Years Ago
Removed occluder meshes from roof prefabs (unused)
6 Years Ago
Merge from roof_building_blocks
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
Don't spawn bradley while still loading
6 Years Ago
Imposter is IClientComponent
6 Years Ago
Devs can craft all workshop skins if "unlock all items" is set in the editor Added some item schema debug convars (autoschema, loadschema, printschema)
6 Years Ago
Run FileSystem_Warmup on dedicated servers
6 Years Ago
Fixed projectile particle systems no longer playing after being pooled