243,186 Commits over 3,898 Days - 2.60cph!
Use damping in joints test scene
Add damping to physics component
Made a slight change to how we handle the spine offset vector that's declared on weapons
Still not quite working the way we need it (particularly on the head bone), but it is an improvement
Leaderboard backup, run #8068
Add material group to model renderer https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b1211b1/sbox-dev_DEaDqkAx7J.mp4
Manifest, code gen, protobuf
Merge from tutorial_island
Document capsule collider
Don't give seasonal items to player when starting on tutorial (party hat/snowballs/etc)
Set client weather when starting tutorial
Cherrypick shared/birthday10
kickstool tintmaks update
re-applied tintmask to kickstool
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-assets
RMB to zoom in and out of orbit
- Removed the option to use extrapolation in my GenericLerp, it only seems to cause problems. This fixes some lerp jitter with server-side ragdolls.
- Keep running limbInterp tick until lerpToServerSimTime, if it's longer than 2s
Rip out the time changing methods, just hardcode time to a specific value for the duration of the tutorial
Backups: 10th Birthday media scenes + assets
Dragging models from asset browser adds collider component
Merge GrenadeThrowFix -> main
RecorderSettingPreset backup (WIP)
EmptyIsland_01 scene/map backup
Apply a suitable amount of force on death to server-side ragdolls
Fixed Telegraph pole collision
Basic Interactions - ModelViewer
Add ColliderCapsuleComponent
Player can no longer change quantities of item to be crafted until mid-way through tutorial
Additional Gizmo Controls
Removed any orphaned tutorial videos/images after latest changes
Scene Editor orbit around focused selection
Fix NRE in legacy particle system
Converted the mission help assets into a selection of the help infos we pop up ont he side of the screen, these can be opened in a modal display by pressing the tutorial key or asking the NPC for help
It just displays the contextual popups for each mission, so if a player wants to revisit something on their current mission they can
Reduce RAGDOLL_PUSH_FORCE slightly to be safe
- Don't use 'vis' for pushing server-side ragdolls, we already have a ragdoll list
- Push rigidbodies that are closer to the bullet hit point more than ones that are further away
Added groundwork to limit how many shelters a person can have
VR: fix some stereo-related render warnings
Fixed incorrect calculation when substituting components in repair costs, fixes some items being too cheap to repair
VR: perform copy before adding layers & don't create temporary back color buffer
VR: overlays don't block input if there's a game running, use high quality rendering now that works again
Activate inactive SS ragdolls when shot