244,584 Commits over 3,898 Days - 2.61cph!
Attack Helicopter gunner can now press reload key to reload gun and rockets early
Fixed inventory.clearloadout looking for a second argument when the help only lists one (eg. "clearloadout jim jim" would work, but "clearloadout jim" would not)
Leaderboard backup, run #5619
Fixed the unparent fuckery on the launcher attack.
Timing improvements on the rocket engine ignition.
Leaderboard backup, run #5618
Convert SeekerTarget into a static dictionary instead of a component that gets added
Disable emission on gib materials. Fixes attack heli gibs having headlights on
Update the holster offset of the hml
Protect turret interaction when there's a driver
Fixed incorrect reload time on homing missile launcher
Show gibs every time the parachute is destroyed in the editor, in builds use the proper behaviour and only show it when the parachute runs out of health
Added an extra fallback if the player still has the parachute model displayed and they are no longer parachuting
Don't spawn the unpacked parachute version if it's going to have 0 health
Spawn parachute gibs if the parachute is killed with 0 health (currently spawns some brick gibs until we get a proper gib asset)
Removed bottom collider on T2 workbench to restore previous broken legacy behaviour (allows placing a small wood box underneath that clips through the shelf)
Unpacked parachutes now float and have a low centre of mass so they are less likely to flip over
Added parachute backpack lods to deployed prefab
v_mp5: improved reload animation
player anim updates, updated parachute rig (with handle fix bones) & updated anims, canopy fbx update, ik targets updated on deployed prefab
Raised WorkBench 2 under-table colliders to make space for a wood box again. This doesn't actually fix it though - there's something else still going wrong.
Rocket & attack prefab fixes.
Added lods to parachute backpack (not in deployed backpack yet)
Backpack slot in inventory now hides if underwear picker is enabled
Added a new backpack slot icon
Merge Main -> Attack Helicopter
Fixed early exit in AttackHelicopterTurret InputTick + some code cleanup.
Merge Attack Helicopter -> Main
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Merge from analytics_aug_23
Implement clan leaderboard UI
Add support for getting the clan leaderboard
Improved button style & hover state of WeaponCard
Show selected class clearly
Class Modal style update
Resolution/compression tweaks.
Merge from main -> global_networked_bases
Merge from main -> analytics_aug_23
Added an attack prefab for the homing launcher, instead of it using the RL one.
Update landing page and pause menu
Pos fix & FX prefab update for the positioner.
Added root position entity for FX spawning.
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