223,475 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

19 Minutes Ago
Display Map times on UI Record best time
45 Minutes Ago
New version of normal map fix
48 Minutes Ago
Can't aim while sprint/sliding ("no_aiming" mechanic tag)
55 Minutes Ago
Fixed HUD not showing
1 Hour Ago
Add proxy update for mechanics, so we can grab tags for networked players, crouch/slide/etc sync'd this way
1 Hour Ago
More work on networked players
4 Hours Ago
merge from nexus
4 Hours Ago
merge from tutorial_menu_improvements
4 Hours Ago
merge from fix_demo_disk_quota
4 Hours Ago
merge from industrial_conveyor_quickmove
4 Hours Ago
merge from dismount_netting_fix
4 Hours Ago
Fix menu not loading 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
4 Hours Ago
Make internal addons.. addons - because it matters now
5 Hours Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #11154
5 Hours Ago
Fix NRE in DockManager Make Project creation internal Add LibraryManagerDock Project constructor can't be internal, ya dummy Library publishing
6 Hours Ago
Added a new QuickMove path for Industrial conveyors, bypasses having to create a SplitItem (and the associated GC) Should also reduce general item churn issues as the most common conveyor scenario (moving some items from one stack to another) will no longer involve making a new item Should be no gameplay difference
Added a metal detector mission objective
Added hinges to the van doors
Merge from explosions
Both flamethrowers with viewmodelrenderers and effect parents setup
Backport more shadowcache code from cs2, start adapting lightbinner for new layout
Match import fbx offsets exactly
First pass on dedicated vm animator handling script for sks Uses new IViewmodelComponent interface, will probably come in handy in the future
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Marked ScaleBySpeed as IClientComponent, fixes it running pointlessly on the server as it's only used for visual effects (0.15ms a frame in recent profiler snapshot!) Cleaned up RealmedRemove components on SImpleShark and boogieboard.deployed, all other instances of ScaleBySpeed were correctly being removed on the server Marked TriggerPlayerTimer as IServerComponent, it's only used on the boogie board server side
Wrap player input around IsLocallyControlled
Code refactor, start working on pawn possession (so we can do networked spectators later)
Properly aligned sharp coastal cliffs Medium cliff variant test
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Merge from mission_improvements_may_24
Fixed escape key not working anywhere
viewmodel updates inc bolt states & triggers
- Rearranged and updated prefabs, separated meshes and made doors separate, updated LODs and colliders
.gitignore update, case sens changes
viewmodel updates
Adjust recoil system to be more sane Add some UI components back, start on ammo hud. Default map facepunch.prison Reflect real ammo counts, fixed MP5 ammo container
Fix node graph comment not saving position after resize
Switch asset warmup to use the existing Timing class Hook Timing events and send to Azure inside performance analytics (so we can assossiate load times -> hardware)
Fixes Fix input to work on the controller
GameObjectControlWidget: allow opening prefabs in editor
Merge from unity_2022.3.24
Merge from main
Fixed a bunch of places in PlayerWalkMovement setting Rigidbody.velocity without checking isKinematic
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More fucking around with Unity.AI.Navigation
Link.IsNestedInput ActionGraph delegates can override input values
Removed some bullshit files, compile fix
Analytics for asset warmup & prefab warmup
Maybe fix hostile UI sometimes not showing if you're inside a safe zone
merge from fix_ammo_unload_drop