248,563 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!
Applying TerrainFetch results to cliff.
Fix kick button not working from rear seats module
- Added support for conditionals based on module exact match, rather than just module type.
- Added support for storage module sub-entities to be conditional themselves.
- Used the above new features to no longer show the dropbox or kick button if one taxi module is behind another.
▆▇▍▍▋ ▄█▆▍█▍▌▄_▄▇▇▉█▋█▍▅_▋▆▅▌
Finished northwest terrain
Junkyard area.
Base height fix.
Make sure contenticon.lua is identical on main compared to github
Fixed not being able to unfocus text entries
Added PLAYER.MaxArmor to player class system
More sane maximum value for thrusters
Avoids crashing issues
Added mp_falldamage to Sandbox start new game
Fixed skins not updating when their parent changes skin
Fixed gui.OpenURL's popup not working well with modal panels
Fixed whereis for floating .gma files
Improvements to DMenu while parented to modal panel
DProperties better handles missing control types
Fixed 2 bugs with ENT:TriggerOutput
1. It was ignoring the Source's internal IO queue
2. There was a bug where auto deleting any outputs due to limited amount of fires would cause certain outputs to no longer work
Remove the old Portuguese translation file (it was renamed)
Added the missing TTT translation file (Português (Brasil))
Updated TTT: Changed a bunch of default values for convars (Community)
▄▍█▆▅▄ ▌▅▍▉▄▊▉ ▌▋▇▅ ▉▉▇▌▆██▇▊▇▋▌ (▊▄▅▊)
▊█▉▊▅█ ▆▉▋▊ ▋▆ ▍▊▅▅▍▅ ▌▋▋▍▌▉ ▍▌▉▊▄▇ ▆█ ▌▍▌█▆▋▄▄▇▌▄ ▉▊ ▅█▄ ▅▊▍
▉▅▇▌▋▊ ▍▊▆▍ ▉███▆ ▇▍▋▋▌▅▄▌ █▍▌▆ ▌▌██▉ ▇▇▋▆ ▉▅▅▋▆▄▌▄
▋▇▉▅█▋ █▇█▌ ▌▉ ▇▍▍▌▇▅ ▌▋▉▄▄▅▋ ▄▌▌▉▍▉▅▅▌▋▉▆▅█ ▄▍ ▅▄▉ ▉▆▌▊ ▆▇█▅ ▅▄█▊ ▆██▇▍▊▋█▆▊▇▉ ▆▇▉▅▊▌ ▌█▍▉▊
█▅▆▉▆/██▍▅/▇▄▆ ▌▋▄▄▇█▉▇ ▌▌▇█▍ ▋▇ █▆▆ ▄▋▋▋ ▍▆▋ ▄█▄▌▋ ▆▆ ▅▄▋█▊▌█▄
▇▆ ▌▊▌▌▊▉▅ ▍▊ ▌▆▇▉▄ ▋▌▇ ▆▍▉█▅▊▄▆ ▌▍▌▌█▋▄ ▇▉▍▇█▍█ ▌▌▍▄▇
▍▌▉▋▊▋▉▆ ▄▋▋▊▍ ▋▉ ▌▊▇ ▄▅▄▅▄▄▄ ██▇▋▄▋ ▉▅▇▄ ▇▇ ▆▆ ~▄▍▉▄▉▋:
Backup (broken base height)
Turn on Android's junk shadows for the map focus button
Hook up the device search box
▍▋▊█▇▉▄▅ █▄_▄█▋▋▍▌▉▄█▌ ▇▆ ▋▄▄ ▄▌▆▋█▉▄▄▉▄▇ ▇▇▌'▍ █▊▇▆▅█▆▄▋▇ ▊▄▌▍▅▋▄ ▉█ ▆▊▋█▍ █▄█▆
█▉▍▆▍▊▉ ▊▇▊▇ ▋▄▆ ▆▆▄███ ▅▄▉▊▍█/▄▊▉▊▆▌▊▉ ▋▆▉▋ ▊█▊▇▌ ▅▊▉▍▄▊▆▉▊▅ ▋▍█▍▆▇█
▊▍▅▊█▉▄ ▉▉▍▋▇▋▄▋▋ ▅█▄▇▉▍▄ ▆▅▊▊▌▉
▆▇▆▇▅▌▋ ▆▅▋▄█▇ ▉▊█▅▌
Merge from terrain_shader
Metallic version of ApplyTerrain
Junkyard WIP
Junkyard Mounds material uses specular shader instead of metallic. (Was being fed spec textures, and had inconsistent spec with terrain)
Moving to SampleTerrain methods.
Parse notification data so we can use it in the UI code
▌█▄ ▋▋▉█▅█▄▅▆▆▊▇▌▅▄▆▋ ▆▆▇ ▆▆▍▄▇▉▄▊▍▋▇▆▍▋▍██ ▇█▌ ▇▍▇▉▍▍▇▋ █▄▇ ▉▉▄▋▉ ▌▉▅▊██
Disabled Ridable Horse and MotorRowboat population - issue with purchased population counted towards wild population causes populations to be destroyed on initial server restart
Notifications Menu styling
Added Player.Input
Added Player.Tick
Warn us about not precached stuff instead of popup assert
GetParticleSystemIndex by default calls FindExistingResourceByNameLoadingJustInTime
Interop gen treats anything starting with global as a global
Bind DispatchParticleEffect
Test tracer/impact particles
Fixed yet another issue with Entity.Fire
Fixed a bug with ENT:TriggerOutput when deleting single fire outputs
▅▇▅▆▉█▇ ▊▉█▄ ▋█▍-█▉-▆▋▄▄▇▉▆▋▉ █▍▄▊▇▄▅ ▍▅▌▊▍
Implemented material conditional tests for GPU level from L4D+ games, assuming GPU level 3, reduces console spam and should fix certain materials looking wrong
Added !player_blue and !player_orange procedural entity names (equal to !player)
Made the 2 Portal 2 DLCs also mount with Portal 2
Add some mock data to the notification menu
confirmationmodal footer and deleting servers
▄▆▇'▇ ▋▍▉▊▄▄▄ ▊▊▌▊▄▉▆ ▍█ ▋▉▉▇▅▌▉▉▉▅▉▄ ▇▄█▉▊█▉ ▆▌▇▉▅▅▋
Added WeatherPresetType.Cinematic (never triggered by the automatic weather system, but can be loaded with weather.load)
Filter Devices and Team Chat input
Merge branch 'ui-changes' of rust_companion_react into ui-changes
WIP Satellite dish level refresh
Improved notification listing and opening
Map button
Player Capsule tweaks tablet
Fixed loading of nested objects when the root includes a base definition
Server Info and Tablet header
Added movieprops folder and tumbleweed prop for Paddy's trailer
Updated Terrain shader includes
ServerInformation and tablet styling
▋▊▍▌▇ █▅▊▊▉▆▆█ ▊▆▉█▌▊▌▆▊ ▉▆▍▅▆▄▆. █▅▍▉▋▆▍▊ ▆▉▇▊▄ ▊▋▌▅▋▊▊▆ ▄▄ ▇▊ ▍▅▅▋▌▆▆▄█ ▅█ ▇▋▊█▆▌ ▆▇▆▅ ▅▍▋▇▌ █▊█▍█. ▄▉▌▌▄ ▌▍█▆.
▅▊▊▉▇ █▇▄▅█ █▌▋▄█ ▋▅█▇▄▋▉▊ █▊ █▋▌ ▌▇█▍▌ ▄▄▉██ █▍ ███▍ ▉▉▆ ██▄▍▇ ▉█▉▊▍▅ ▌▌▋▉▅
re-organise tablet team views