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TTT: update some default settings
Enables by default:
- ttt_detective_hats
- ttt_teleport_telefrags
- ttt_no_nade_throw_during_prep
Fixes #1738
▊█▉-▋▌▍▌ ▉▅█▍▊▊ ▊▌▄▊▉▆▊ ▆▌ "▋▄▌▋▉ ▌▌▊▍▆▊"
█▄ ▋▉▌▉▌▋▊'▍ ▌▇▇▄▋▊█ ▄▊▉▄▉▋▋▉, ▌▅█▍▊ ▉█ ▋▄ ▆▉▅█▌▍▇
▍▊▍ ▌ ▊▉▊▋▆█▉ ▆▊ ▉▍ ▇▄▄▍██▋ ▍▇█▊ ▆▋▆█▍▆
▅▅▌▉█▅ _█▄▄▄▅▍.▄▄▅█▆▍
▅&▇▅▊ ▉▊▋ ▄▊▆▉▌▉▍
Refactor to use react-class-model from npm
Update translations with new monuments
Merge branch 'master' into ui-changes
▉▆▋ ▌ ▄▉▄▉▊▍▍▉▍▉ ▄▉ ▍▅▅▅ ▋▍▄ ▊█▅▄ ▇▋▇█▅▄ ▇▊▉▆▄▍▉▊▉▊█▆▌ ▊▋▆ ▌ ▉▌▊▆▋▊
Removed old music at stables
north pre-splat checkpoint
█▉▊ ▉▇▆▇▉▍▋▉▌▌▇▌▌ █▇ ▍ ▌▍ █▄▉▌▆ ▍▊ ▄▉ ▆▉▊ ▆▉▇▇ ▄▌▅▄ ▌▅ ▋▅ ▉▊▊ ▊▄▌ ▅▆▄▉▍
splitting drop box component
You can no longer shoot when clicking on empty space around a modal panel
another horse dismount death fix, RIP Trausi
green player2
more green player2 effects
green player2 on loading bar
proper player2 visuals in extra campaigns
player2 tutorial speech bubble color
hard player visuals
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into camera-rewrite
Keep track of camera targets for each frame
Calculate camera bounds from targets
Working towards solving for splitscreen
removed horse debug define
potential fix for horses randomly killing people during random dismounts
Picking out various terrain extensions etc. from hdrp branch.
Fixed modeldoc not opening models
Updated testmap
more rust models
Fixed calling gui.OpenURL from a modal panel preventing player from interacting with the gui.OpenURL confirmation dialog
Added IAISleep and implemented.
Added BaseSleepState.
Team Header status tooltips
ServerHeader changes
Chatinput style
PageHeader accepting teaminterface
Redesigned Sewer branch outdoors to make nicer road connections to rest of the map
FetchTerrain shader method now returns metal / smoothness and occlusion.
Added IAIEnergyBelow and implementation.
Added EnergyBelow event stuff.
Fixed Shadowfrax "midget" problem - shopkeeper position sinking below
S2P Stables_b
Update translations with new monuments
Fixed pine tree materials, tweaked swamp and palm trees
Potential packet flooding fix
Refactor to use react-class-model from npm
Moved Easter menu video into archive folder
Merge from demo_toggle_nvg
Merge from camera_recording
Enable recorder and director packages
Applied Paddy "Phone booths for Stables" shelve
S2P Stables
contentbuilder, reconstruct addon path when copying compiled files
If we have a content_src but no content, create it
Don't tother adding not in leaf tags to stuff
Server Selectable
Notifications button on all pages
Refreshed Craggy Island to use the same workflow as the other new maps for concistency
green player2
more green player2 effects
green player2 on loading bar
proper player2 visuals in extra campaigns
player2 tutorial speech bubble color
hard player visuals