249,481 Commits over 3,959 Days - 2.63cph!
Moved brain states to a new shared enum, AIState. State constructors set type.
AddState no longer requires a type parameter.
States are now automatically maintained, in a dictionary.
Reworked current state handling to be a state ref, not using array indexes.
Hooked up gizmo drawing to brain, calls it on any active state for debugging.
Added basic debug rendering info to base brain (current state name for now).
Get movie maker working again after merge. Disable demo text.
Moved client gib creation to a new virtual SpawnGibs method that gets called from DoDestroyEffects
New SeasonalTimedExplosive class to manage gibs since we can't disable the gibbable on the gameobject any more
Fix a player getting stuck in the recent drivers queue of a car if the queue has multiple drivers in it
Check server state in CeilingLight growable refresh (like the GrowableHeatSource component)
Spawn all car gibs
Tweak position/rotation calculation
Update BillBTestMap for the new Unity version
Fixed wounded players blocking server-side projectiles (rockets etc) as if they were standing up. Collider height is now reduced while wounded.
Fixed incorrect PrefabID on vehicle_parts.prefab (it had the ID from DoPrepare being run while the prefab was open in the prefab stage - see #53749)
Fixed car conditional gibs not working
Added a uniqueId field to Gibbable to help identify specific components in situations where we need to only deploy specific gibs (like with car components)
core player repel tweaks
player graze size modifier
properly count active pixelgroup prereqs on other units
changed impact effect angle when hitting pixelgroup
easy octopus balancing
Fiddling with the bootstrap scene + TMP to get rid of font texture duplication
Fix GetObjectID returning a blank path if the GameObject passed in is currently open in the prefab stage (prefab editor). Was causing some incorrect PrefabIDs to be set on DoPrepare.
Tweak force position when paddling
Halve push force if floating in water
Rename kayak seats for consistency
FXAA doesn't work well with large (F9) screenshots. Disable AA for large shots, but only if it's FXAA. Also added an enum for the antialiasing types.
Fixed gib rotation
Prefab cleanup
Fixed fuel storage not being accessible on RHIB after collider update
Improve performance of finding values in a column
Fix mistake in string size calc, show correct sizes for strings and arrays
Fixed bugs that didn't account from default state. Fixed death screen padding issue.
Quad rendering rewrite
Quad shader tweaks
Extra profiling for Switch
Fixed RPG shooting a non guidable missile in some cases
5th optional argument for surface.DrawOutlinedRect - thickness
Added new argument to Entity.EmitSound - flags, and fixed type checking for the other optional arguments, including pitch and volume arguments not working if soundlevel argument is not given.
Ugly hack to fix gmod_wheel direction indicator cutting into the model with certain models
merge constraint crash fix
Added Preset support for Weld and Camera tools
Ensure phys_lengthconstraint doesn't try to create 0-length rope constrains causing crazy physics and potential crashes
Renamed for /main consistency
Powerplant invisible light fix
Generators source can't have path names now apparently, so fix that
Add stripped down version of HtmlAgilityPack for parsing html pragmatically
Use our HtmlNode version instead of packaged version
More trimming
XPath not needed in access list
Merge from TMP_Text update optimization
Bailing on SetVisible on all IUIScreens
Fixed protobuf/generate.sh DOS line endings (breaking unix shell scripts)
Fishing village
Boatshop emblem prefab setup. rope mesh, buoy and new shop texture for rowboat
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Fixed draw.RoundedBox(Ex) with border value larger than the box height causing the box to render larger than intended
Fixeed DNumberScratch's value going out of bounds of the blue background with huge values
Added AnimatorLOD to water pump, fluid switch and smart switch
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Fishing Village
Various decorative floats and buoy rings/lods/collision and prefab setup.
Materials and textures.