224,006 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

3 Years Ago
Don't spawn trains at all if there's another train in the way (improves on the temp fix which would immediately delete the spawned train). Added SpawnCheckingSpawnPoint which is a GenericSpawnPoint that also checks space to spawn.
3 Years Ago
tunnel dwellers drop very slightly more loot added ForceInitialSpawn to ttrain_tunnel_double_straight_a Lootstrips have slightly less chance of a tool crate
3 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile
3 Years Ago
slow aim fix
3 Years Ago
Working on letting bakes have shared resources
3 Years Ago
new train tunnel elevator movement sound minor reverb tweaks
3 Years Ago
These errors are acceptable, happen after hotload FirstPersonCamera stores its last worked out pos instead of counting on incoming value Some rust/nature converts Rust Exporter handles foliage better Rust Exporter: Straight copy the texture if you can Rust Exporter: textures all in one folder, don't copy over Rust Exporter: Handle multiple materials Merge branch 'master' of sbox rust overgrowth Touching these
3 Years Ago
Fix my oopsie
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
Remove debug code from Browse > Addons
3 Years Ago
Fixed the default screen resolution selection so it should now select the desktop resolution
3 Years Ago
Allow AnimEntity and PlayerAnimator to reset all params
3 Years Ago
Hammer: Added info_lighting_relative to the fgd Hammer: Added (Set)LightingOrigin(Hack) inputs and keyvalues to prop_dynamic and all NPCs and (Set)ModelScale for prop_physics, prop_dynamic and NPCs
3 Years Ago
workcart gibs correctly assume override colors
3 Years Ago
temp fix for underground gunshots being heard on the surface
3 Years Ago
Fixed TerrainPath.DungeonRoot not being set when the map is loaded from cache (blind commit since Unity is stuck on startup)
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
Hammer: Fixed unintentional auto vis group rebuilds due to recent changes when scrolling textures in the Face Sheet tool, or applying the same texture to a face (i.e. not changing the texture)
3 Years Ago
warning when dungeon navmesh fails to build
3 Years Ago
Train friction sparks FX into a basic prefab until we implement it.
3 Years Ago
Fixed first file embedded in the BSP not being able to be decompressed
3 Years Ago
WalkBob, Lean, Fovspeed
3 Years Ago
delay respawn during puzzle reset until spawn points are available
3 Years Ago
Hammer: KeyValue copy & paste now properly pastes the spawnflags (and updates the UI)
3 Years Ago
Art backup
3 Years Ago
Prediction fixes
3 Years Ago
Implement ShiftIntermediateDataForward Prediction fixes
3 Years Ago
Shadow proxies for Props folder content
3 Years Ago
Store AI spawn position as their home position in slot 4 of AIBrain position memory bank. Added BaseNavigateHome state. Chase state improvements.
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Workcart volume tweaks - hopefully improve players falling out
3 Years Ago
UI copy and paste
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
▇▍▄ ▌▄▅, █▅▅▆█▄▋ ▊▊▌▉▍▉ ▇▋█▉▍▋ █▆▄▇▅▄█ ▍▄▄▄█.
3 Years Ago
▌▊▇▉▊ ▆▄▊▍ ▌▊▆▄
3 Years Ago
Speed up Assets.LoadAll a little bit
3 Years Ago
Ignore missing entity spawnicon icons IEquatable for TimeSince, TimeUntil Compare C# predicted data, warning on different (this'll need something done to it in the future, but it works for now)
3 Years Ago
Temp fix for the stack overflow etc problems with work carts spawning in the same spot as others. Will fix this properly tomorrow with the spawners so they don't even attempt to spawn when there's something in the way. The two push force methods also have better handling if there IS a recursive loop detected.
3 Years Ago
Don't call RPCs if !Prediction.FirstTime Don't play sounds if !Prediction.FirstTime Don't create particles if !Prediction.FirstTime Don't do surface effects if !Prediction.FirstTime
3 Years Ago
Strip SetPredictionEligible Entities stop being predictable when they lose their local player owner
3 Years Ago
Simplify the too-complex TryFindClearSpaceNear system. Simply destroy work carts that spawn on the track near others
3 Years Ago
More junkyard work
3 Years Ago
WIP stopping work carts from spawning right where other work carts are. Try to find a clear space further down the track
3 Years Ago
Ignore addons/*/Properties/launchSettings.json Refactoring context Texture.Load can supress missing warnings Added Sandbox.LoopEvents to Sandbox.Game Made a bunch of systems use LoopEvent.Init to init CameraModifier clean on shutdown/init
3 Years Ago
Don't create code if code folder contains no .cs files
3 Years Ago
Revert "Try to normalize and scale forward and sideward anim params to keep in -1 to 1 range" This reverts commit 26f05d1e5a3a8015c835ecd9e65d837729112242.
3 Years Ago
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