224,296 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

6 Years Ago
Attempt to fix build by removing huge uniform arrays from PlayerLocator.shader
6 Years Ago
Cleanup Try hide google chrome mouse snap bug Fixes Player move tweaks Explosions, screen shake, carryable usage, jump sounds Bomb Damage respawn in the last but one scene Destroy bombs that fall off the world
6 Years Ago
AI and player units are separated in squad editor now. Finally found and fixed the bug that caused clicking your units in a career match directly after using squad editor to make them explode.
6 Years Ago
Removed upkeep cost from barricades
6 Years Ago
Fixed issue with flamethrower trap
6 Years Ago
merge into main
6 Years Ago
NPC sounds
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
Fixed odd behaviour when scrolling down in a friends leaderboard Fixed another bug with scrolling friends leaderboards
6 Years Ago
cut out and split up sea edge
6 Years Ago
Console command codegen (client compile fix)
6 Years Ago
Fixed attempting to play a null level when hitting confirm on the overall leaderboard Fixed leaderboard header brightness
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
moved window garland pivot up 1 unit (model only)
6 Years Ago
subtract 24500
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Added wobbleAngle, wobbleSpeed and wobbleScale to core layers
6 Years Ago
moved window garland pivot up 1 unit
6 Years Ago
Another round of NRE checks for ValidateObjectReferences
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Fixed window garland socket clusterfuck (mesh pivot point needs updating) Network++
6 Years Ago
increased wave scale
6 Years Ago
Snowman meshes and textures
6 Years Ago
Added some bounce to overall leaderboard node
6 Years Ago
Added BuildingGradeDecay to doors and frame inserts
6 Years Ago
Clear both client and server building managers when disconnecting in the editor while running client and server
6 Years Ago
Added decay delay convars for upkeep (all default to 0) Added BuildingGradeDecay (for deployables to decay at the same rate as a certain building tier)
6 Years Ago
Another null check for ValidateObjectReferences
6 Years Ago
Presumably fixed NRE in ValidateObjectReferences
6 Years Ago
SquadEditorPlacingState now only allows you to modify your own team's units More squad editor career mode fixes
6 Years Ago
Fireplace models/LODs/Colliders/Gibs/Prefab
6 Years Ago
NPC fix
6 Years Ago
made grass light the same colour as grass again so we could use it to paint out grass from edges of cliffs
6 Years Ago
Total score planet now eases around Total score planet connection is now ignored when generating link angles
6 Years Ago
Highlight fixes
6 Years Ago
more career squad editor stuff
6 Years Ago
Added trophy graphic for total score planet Can now specify unselected scales for planets Can now navigate straight to planets connected to the neighbour of the total score planet
6 Years Ago
WIP Contract/tutorial system
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Updated doorways
6 Years Ago
career match squad stuff
6 Years Ago
LeagueFixture can now hold a squad setup per team + serialize them. squad editor can now load a squad per team.
6 Years Ago
Scene backup
6 Years Ago
More build stuff
6 Years Ago
Christmas lights can no longer be picked up if building blocked
6 Years Ago
Squad editor can now be started in a career editor mode, which blocks exit, auto hides map list and gets passed the next player LeageuFixture.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Pookie bear deploy fixes
6 Years Ago
Optimisations Typo fix WIP new wall/build system
6 Years Ago
merge into main