253,088 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.64cph!

2 Days Ago
rogue newline
2 Days Ago
reduced material usage updated chicken coop mesh
2 Days Ago
Reduced the number of draw calls needed per environment volume from 3 to 2
2 Days Ago
Simplify file uploading to not use MultipartFormDataContent
2 Days Ago
Attempt to delete the map png file if loading failed - edge case
2 Days Ago
rogue newline
2 Days Ago
Use Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan instead for clarity
2 Days Ago
Player avatar uses spine1,2,3 Updated all v4 animations Updated custom offsets on sar and ak
2 Days Ago
- 100% chance for natural beehive to spawn on oak_c (just for testing) - Honeycomb worldmodel fixes - Added ability to change tree additive rotation - Better handling on death of the tree - Natural hive drops two sets of honeycomb
2 Days Ago
Maker timer run at TimeSpan.MaxValue interval
2 Days Ago
ref update
2 Days Ago
Manifest update for new items. Egg icon.
2 Days Ago
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2 Days Ago
Base shaders: stop using macros for texture creation + sampling, use standard HLSL syntax Core shaders: stop using macros for texture creation + sampling Build shaders yuv_resolve.shader should use explicit register positions (it's sampler was never being properly bound!!)
2 Days Ago
Setup 8 pie types: Items, recipes, pie VM settings. Added them to recipe list.
2 Days Ago
Spring dampen test (Facepunch/sbox#1819) https://files.facepunch.com/ziks/2025-02-07/sbox-dev_msRAHre2Hi.mp4
2 Days Ago
Created system that allows trees to spawn/handle an entity attached to them (will be used for natural hives)
2 Days Ago
merge from main/horse2_fixes
2 Days Ago
Skeleton compile fix
2 Days Ago
edited tiger run 180 left and right anims and updated prowl fire anim
2 Days Ago
merge from main/horse2_fixes
2 Days Ago
Compile fix, don't use Skeleton to reset bone pos for now
2 Days Ago
Linked chicken pie output item to chicken pie recipe. Added Brea recipe/item.
2 Days Ago
Moved the deferred indirect lighting pass into its own class
2 Days Ago
merge from main/horse2_fixes
2 Days Ago
Bugfix: read back from the right array of heights after sampling ocean - Reported by new unit tests Tests: ran water-related unit tests - now they pass
2 Days Ago
Bugfix: Make sure WaterLevel tests run full simulation path during unit testing Previously it was earlying out during GetWaterLevel Tests: ran the new tests, they report an issue that I need to fix
2 Days Ago
Removed Vehicle Detailed layer from horses k detection layer mask, it prevents legs from hitting themselves
2 Days Ago
Restored horse animation speed reset when exiting ragdoll
2 Days Ago
Test item tweak
2 Days Ago
More work on ziggurat exterior (decal passes). Renamed jungle decal test materials.
2 Days Ago
Reset horses server and client bone local positions after exiting ragdoll Reset lastMovingTime when exiting ragdoll
2 Days Ago
Fixed a bug with using a pre-culled volume list when creating the environment volume compute buffer
2 Days Ago
Disable mixer thread choking warning for now TODO: find out how long each voice takes to mix, and let you print that on demand
2 Days Ago
Don't start attacks or hazzards when dead
2 Days Ago
Gluon Hose Shader https://files.facepunch.com/lolleko/2025/February/07_14-11-LavishTinamou.mp4
2 Days Ago
Zero the Y when calculating look forward
2 Days Ago
Use engine spline class
2 Days Ago
Added a cooldown timer for the main triggered attack, use regular attack when on cooldown.
2 Days Ago
Some minor spline tweaks I forgot to backport from scenestaging
2 Days Ago
Update: missing meta files from merge Submitting for now, but should nuke once back on main Tests: none, trivial change
2 Days Ago
Merge: from main - Skipping a couple meta files for empty folders, will submit them separately Tests: booted editor for import
2 Days Ago
Setup hiss anim state, trigger it.
2 Days Ago
Spline Class (#1817) General purpose spline class for 3D. Uses a composite 3D cubic Bezier curve under the hood. Shape and behavior of the spline are controlled through points and handles. Two consecutive points and their handles define one segment/curve of the spline. The spline can be turned into a loop (Beziergon), which combined with linear handles can also be used to create a polygon. Splines are useful for animations, camera movements, marking areas, or procedural geometry generation.
2 Days Ago
Add SDF 3D World example https://files.facepunch.com/ziks/2025-02-07/sbox-dev_AKu97g2DxF.png
2 Days Ago
Add a regular attack, starts after the initial hazard trigger attack and continues while a player is in range.
2 Days Ago
Capture SceneEditorSession in SceneUndoSnapshot Avoid relying on static SceneEditorSession.Active having the correct value Add missing Scene.Push() in GameObjectInspector Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#7517
2 Days Ago
exported snake hiss anim
2 Days Ago
Art Progress
2 Days Ago
chicken coop progress