248,612 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

6 Months Ago
Group damage instances
6 Months Ago
Prototype custom networked root motion
6 Months Ago
Initial work on damage tracking https://files.facepunch.com/devultj/1b1011b1/sbox-dev_WgGn9yRMZ1.png
6 Months Ago
Add dev command to swap teams Log active sound handle count every 5 seconds (#156) SoundEmitter: stop sound on destroy (#156) Molotov sounds in particular were persisting
6 Months Ago
WIP Log active sound handle count every 5 seconds (#156) SoundEmitter: stop sound on destroy (#156) Molotov sounds in particular were persisting
6 Months Ago
pickaxe chain controller LODing
6 Months Ago
min/max length constraints respected properly and slightly reduced precision in collision detection
6 Months Ago
Enable the molotov
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
corrected LODing on cloth controllers for ghostsheet
6 Months Ago
Push the M700 forward a touch
6 Months Ago
Some minor doc change
6 Months Ago
Some comments on ConverterPacker to describe its use Let's move it out of Sandbox and call it BytePack.ISerializer - it won't be exposed to public API (for now?) Makes sense to rename to SerializerPacker so it matches ISerializer Explicit implementations of BytePackRead and BytePackWrite means we can have these non-public Add test for BytePack.ISerializer with MySerializedClass
6 Months Ago
M700 update added the low poly with bakes
6 Months Ago
Heater static prefab lighting tweak
6 Months Ago
Prefab backup
6 Months Ago
Improve scoring system UI, add scrolling number component that we can use in other places if we wish
6 Months Ago
Volumetric fog benchmark
6 Months Ago
terrain.benchmark updates
6 Months Ago
Pottedplant.mat using Rust/Std transmission instead of Foliage. Looked broken and wasn't using wind features anyway.
6 Months Ago
Initial scoring hud
6 Months Ago
Fix a couple of NREs
6 Months Ago
Fix navmesh usage before initialized
6 Months Ago
Merge from hood_and_cuffs
6 Months Ago
Move trace solve to cast callback so everything can use it
6 Months Ago
Navmesh test
6 Months Ago
Merge from force_mount_opt_out
6 Months Ago
merge from admin_panel_fix
6 Months Ago
Merge from surrender_gesture_warning
6 Months Ago
merge from improve_underwater_dropped_items
6 Months Ago
Merge from main
6 Months Ago
merge from conversation_canceldistance
6 Months Ago
merge from firemode_improvements
6 Months Ago
merge from aug_2024_meshlod
6 Months Ago
merge from lodleveldisplay_update
6 Months Ago
reapplying burst update 1.8.15 -> 1.8.16 - Was subtracted due to an unknown server fail to start
6 Months Ago
Character Controller test
6 Months Ago
merge from radtown_redux
6 Months Ago
Run a trace solver on hit shape to get the proper hit fraction and start in solid
6 Months Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #12343
6 Months Ago
Avoid some errors when closing Load WorldRendererMgr in unit tests For backwards compatibility, when loading a vpk look in the maps/ folder too Allow map loading during tests Remove warnings PackageManagement test cleanup, make a bit more resiliant
6 Months Ago
▇▊▇▅▅ ███ ▍▉▆▊▅▄▊█▍▍ ▄▄▍ ▊▋▉▊▅ ▍▊▄▅▊ ▉▉ ▉▉▌ ▅▅▊▍ ▊▇▌▉▅▌▄█▌ ▅▅█▋ ▊▊ ▊▍▋█ ▄█▌▇▌ ▌▋▄'▊ ▉▌ ▇▋▆▄█▊ ▋▆ █▌▄ ▉▋ ▍▍▆▋
6 Months Ago
▌▇▊▍▊ ▉▄▍▌ ▅▉▌█▉▍▌ ▉▆▄ ▊▋█▊▅▉█ ▄▍▋▇▆▆▅█ (▅▋. ▇██_█▌▄▆_█▉) ▍▊█▋▄ ▄▍▄███▋ █▇ ▆█▄▅█▌ ▆▋▍ █▅▉▄▌▊▋ ▋▅▅▉▊▋▊▆ ▋▇▇▆▋▄ ▋▍ ▌▅▆▍▌ ▌▋▉▇▆▋▄ ▉█▄▅ ▇▊▋ ▆▊▌▋█▋▌█▅▉▄ ▍ ▍▊▆▊▌▊▊▍▌ ▇▊▆▇▄▊ ▊▆▆ ▅▌▅ ▆█▇▄█▋▅▄ █▊ ▍▆▇ ▋▇▇▌, ▅▉▋▋▌▍▍▉ ▇▇▅▅▅▌█ ▆▋▊▅▌ ▊█ ▌▉▌ █▋ ▊▄▄ ▆▆▆█ ▅▊▄██ ▉██▄█▍ ▌▇▋▉▄▉ ▅▆█▆ ▋▋▆▌█▆▆ ▉▇▄▍▌▊▋ ▌▅▇▆▊ █▅▇ ▇▉▄▅▍▅▍█▅▄ ▋▆▇▍▌▉▄▆▅, ▌▋▇▄▍▊▍▋ ▍▅▌▉▄ ▄▇ ▇▋ ▌▆▆▄▉▌ ▍▌ ▅█▇ ▍▆ ▋▅▇▆▇▉▄█ ▄█▄ █▄▇▆█▋▆▄▉▅ ▋▋▄▄ (▆▍█▅▌▆▉▌▊ ▇▋▆▋▋ ▋▆▇ ▋▌▆▊▉█▊█▇ ▆▇▇▅▍█▇▆▄ ▊▊▆▅▆▉▊█)
6 Months Ago
Fix project templates (oops)
6 Months Ago
Fixed bike passenger eye rotation bug (introduced in 100729)
6 Months Ago
Bike passengers now use the same camera roll code as the driver
6 Months Ago
Change convar name of surrender gesture
6 Months Ago
Add a gizmo to ZiplineTargets
6 Months Ago
Horrible code for bike driver camera roll, but it now lerps to the actual roll angle when not grounded
6 Months Ago
▅▇▋█▉ █▌█▍ ▉▇█▊▍▄_█▉▍▌▍▌▊_█▋▍▍▄