223,901 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

22 Days Ago
nightlight final
22 Days Ago
updated cctv console and props to help them blend together visually
22 Days Ago
Add basic WorldInput component (https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b0211b1/sbox-dev_bbtgwmeZ0p.mp4)
22 Days Ago
Fixed incorrect material inside cargoship interior
22 Days Ago
TypeSerializedProperty.TryGetAsContainer should not propogate NoteChanged, commented on this behaviour - Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5174
23 Days Ago
nightlight wip
23 Days Ago
Can push the gizmo grid all the way down to 0.125 (with the hotkey too)
23 Days Ago
Update feature_request.md
23 Days Ago
Make control sheet labels draggable
23 Days Ago
Create config.yml
23 Days Ago
Update config.yml
23 Days Ago
Added Issue Menu (#2344) * Delete .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md * Added issues menu
23 Days Ago
RTC Media
23 Days Ago
merge from Minigun_2024
23 Days Ago
Start button on gamepad behaves the same way as hitting ESC
23 Days Ago
Remove log
23 Days Ago
Merge from bradley_scientists
23 Days Ago
Add Position and Rotation offset to ViewmodelCameraAnimation component, works around any strange offsets coming out of maya Set up appropriate offset on minigun and disabled the FadeInTime
23 Days Ago
Merge property or variable get / set nodes
23 Days Ago
23 Days Ago
oilrigs s2p
23 Days Ago
swapped computer station for cctv desk in oilrigs
23 Days Ago
23 Days Ago
Add __guid and rename Version to __version in json Nicer stack traces Fix "The node already has a parent." when deserializing Tweak lambda naming Generate a throwing lambda when compiling a graph with errors Tweak how ValidationExceptions are thrown on invoke Added NodeLibrary.VoidTaskFaulted event Merge branch 'legacy/1.3'
23 Days Ago
merge from sat tube branch for CCTV desk
23 Days Ago
Accumulate escape presses across all input contexts - Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5314
23 Days Ago
Increase scientist timeout
23 Days Ago
Remove debug logs
23 Days Ago
merge patrol_helicopter_revision
23 Days Ago
Removed a few sneaky logs Codegen
23 Days Ago
Mere from main
23 Days Ago
Merge main
23 Days Ago
re-enabled detail layer on distant crates LOD
23 Days Ago
Fixed flickering on overgrowth billboards
23 Days Ago
merge from save248
23 Days Ago
oilrig's S2P
23 Days Ago
23 Days Ago
merge from silo_elevator_door_fix
23 Days Ago
merge from Minigun_2024
23 Days Ago
merge from save248
23 Days Ago
Server startup fix
23 Days Ago
Add a ladder volume to harbor_crane_static S2P both harbors
23 Days Ago
Add new HideInPlayerPreview toggle on Wearable, enabled on minigun backpack
23 Days Ago
Missing meta file
23 Days Ago
Lift the bike a bit when holding sprint. To be improved (though engine limitation prevents us from doing full wheelies unfortunately - wheelcolliders always raycast downward with respect to parent rigidbody orientation)
23 Days Ago
Fix top elevator opening it's doors incorrectly when the elevator is called to the bottom floor and is already on that floor (again)
23 Days Ago
Potential fix for some elevator doors in NMS not working after a server restart Don't spawn the child door in ServerInit if Rust.Application.isLoadingSave, this is likely due to recent monument entity serialization changes This was resulting in a new, overlapping door getting spawned every time a server saves/loads
23 Days Ago
Comment out ping estimator editor spam
23 Days Ago
23 Days Ago
Cherrypick 95257